Siya tore open all gifts and plush toys she had.

An old, worn out teddy had a camera hidden within it.

She exhaled sharply as it fell, facing the floor and her heel crushed it.

Anger and terror rose within her as she recalled those horrified days in Pennsylvania.

No one knew.

Rishab somehow got a hunch of it and got her security increased.

Vansh and Aarya found out soon after and made sure the security was tightened.

But now she was back to India, back to Bandra.

She didn't expect him to follow her here as well.

And the day he'd turn up, revealing himself yet again, Siya knew it would be the worst nightmare come true for her.

She knew who all would he target.

But there was someone who would make it to the the top of his radar.


And it terrified her.

Anyone but him.

He had a problem with her.

He could keep it to her.

Why extend it to people she cared about?

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she sat back down.

She was a hundred percent sure Avyaan would never write that note.

Avyaan had been an asshole, a ruthless bastard who broke her, but never a creep who made her feel uncomfortable.

She knew how Avyaan wrote.

It was not like..this.

Cheap, disgusting, creepy.

Vansh and Aarya had been extremely furious to have read the note.

" Why would you think of Avyaan when you first read the note?"
She'd asked Aarya.

" one apart from him is sending you notes!"

" There was someone else Aarya. Have you forgotten?" Vansh suddenly voiced out as she turned pale.

" What? But could he even come here?"

" He could go anywhere if he wanted. We're both well aware of that."

" Siya you should tell Kaka."

" He'll be worried."

" Of-course he would! He's your father Siya! He loves you, cares for you. He's bound to be worried!"

" But—"

" We're not hearing a but Siya. You're telling him and it's final."

" He knows." She admitted, her voice shaky.
" What he doesn't know is, how scary that disgusting piece of shit can get and what limits can he cross. And he doesn't know he's followed me here too."

The couple exchanged glances and sighed.

The bell rang and the door opened revealing Avyaan.

" Did you receive that note while at work or at home?"

" Why...why do you ask?"

" We can get a thorough investigation done!"

" No..I mean there's no need for that. It was there slipped into the safety door when I came home."

" That means the person who sent it knows where you live! We should investigate—"

" No. Look...Mr.Malhotra, please stay out of this. I understand your concern but....please." Her voice was a mere whisper by the end of the sentence, pleading with him.

The thought of him being harmed itself was too painful for her.

Avyaan frowned.

" But why?"

Because if you get involved, he'll stoop low enough to harm you as well! And I cannot afford him hurting you! She wanted to snap at him.

But she held it back.

Vansh stepped forward to his sister's rescue.

" You're right Avyaan, investigation is necessary. We'll get it done soon. Thank you for the suggestion."

He nodded at the man and turned away, but halted and turned back as he looked at her, his gaze filled with concern and love which was too overwhelming for her.

And as he turned back finally, she almost sank to the ground.

The elevator's door opened and Shreyas rushed towards her.

" Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? When did you receive the note? He came here didn't he? Where is he? How did he even have the audacity to come here?" He scanned her head to toe as he turned her around, genuinely worried.

" Shreyas....mi theek aahe."
"-Shreyas....I'm fine."

" We'll uh....we need to go to the hospital. There's a last minute appointment and Vansh will drive me. I'll see you soon yeah? Please take care." Aarya's voice softened and Siya nodded at her.

The siblings walked back in and Siya sank down into the couch, shivering, trembling, nearing tears.

Shreyas sighed putting his arms around her.

" Avyaan told me. Said an investigation is necessary."

" I refused."

" Why?"

" I cannot afford involving him Shrey. I cannot. He'll torture him! I don't know what all will he do to him. If he gets involved as well, he'll kill Avyaan. Not Avyaan, Shrey. Not Avyaan." Tears streamed down her cheeks and he patted her, his heart shattering to see her so vulnerable.

And suddenly, he knew who to contact in order to get things in check and keep the bloody bastard away from his sister, or probably, away from everywhere.

For good, forever.

Three people would help.

And he knew they wouldn't say no.


Aranya Mathur,

Kaivalya Dharmadhikari,

Dev Singh Raizada.

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