Author's note: I suppose the previous chapter was too harsh an emotional ride for y'all and Siya, Avyaan. So this one's a soothing balm as an apology. I hope you find it comforting enough!

When Siya woke up the next morning, with her head heavy, she panicked, seeing the unfamiliar room, with walls coloured a chocolate brown and white instead of a powder blue and white, but when her gaze travelled towards the photoframe that was placed at the bedside table she heaved a sigh of relief.

She looked around and frowned not finding him anywhere in the room.

Turning off the A/C, she quietly opened the door and walked out towards the living room only to find him soundly sleeping on the couch.

Her heart twisted in guilt and embarrassment slowly took over as she began recalling last night's incidents.

" could I be so stupid!" She muttered lightly smacking herself.

Walking into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, her gaze fell on the sticky note on the fridge.

Practice tomorrow at eight, board meeting at eleven after practice, movie w Meher at 1.30 after meeting.

She looked over at the clock ticking away, barely fifteen minutes to six.

And as much as she knew him, he wouldn't eat before going.

At all.

Then complain about a headache and whine all day.

And he wouldn't have time to eat till 1.30.

With ideas creeping up into her mind, she opened the fridge to find it overloaded with fruits,vegetables and just the right items she needed, got them all out and got to work.


Avyaan fell off the couch after his alarm began ringing loud enough for the entire house to hear.

Groaning and rubbing his shoulder, he turned it off, and took a good look at the time.

Six forty five.

Recalling that Siya was asleep in the bedroom, he walked towards the room and quietly opened the door to find the bed empty and fixed.

His heart twisted and broke, as he smiled bitterly,

She was gone, wasn't she?

He walked into the washroom, brushed his teeth, took a quick shower, walked into the kitchen barechested and stumbled looking at the closed casserole, his gaze flickered towards the fridge.

Hey, I woke up early, I was quite a bother to you last night, and ended up sleeping here, thank you so much and genuinely sorry for troubling you.
Saw that you've got practice at eight, and I don't think you'll have something and go, resulting in a day's headache and a day all spoilt for you. And I don't think you got time in between to have anything either so I ended up snooping into your kitchen, I'm sorry about that as well. Made you uttapa, fruit salad and podi idli.
Had to leave early because I had to rush to the hospital.
Thanks a lot for last night Avyaan, it means a lot to me. If I said or did anything wrong to offend or embarrass you I'm really sorry about it. Consider this an apology and a token of gratitude from my side.

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