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" Doctor, are you dating Avyaan Malhotra?"

Siya wasn't surprised when the question came her way.
" No. What makes you think so Chetna?" She arched a brow at the intern.

" Um...y'know the rumours? I get it, you two have umpteen reasons to be in limelight and have such rumours come up often. But with the previous people, Rishab Dhameeja and Tanya Gautam, the two of you barely took any time to deny them. But now...." she trailed off, looking away.

This was the third person who'd pointed it out now.

First was Vansh, the second one was Rishab and now Chetna.

" Avyaan and I—"

" Know each other quite well. After all Tushar Uncle was his mentor!" A soft voice finished the sentence for her and she looked up to see the brunette smiling at her.

" Ari? What're you doing here?"

Chetna switched glances among the two and knew she should leave, keeping the reports on the table, she told the necessary and walked out as Aranya walked in and sat before her.

" We were playing polo, in an attempt to tame a wild horse, Rudra
got shoved off him. So we had to come here. He's bruised and twisted his ankle, there's also a slight swelling." The anguish in her eyes made Siya bite back a smile.

And she'd say, she'd stopped caring about people.

But Rudra Singh Shekhawat wasn't just a mere someone.

And Siya knew that far too well.

She knew how Aranya adored Agastya's brothers and they loved her equally.

Soon after, Agastya walked in with the limping kid.

His hair messed up, bandaids on his arm and forehead, his eyes glistening with tears.

She watched Aranya's anguish increase seeing him in pain.

" Did you fall of sweetheart?" Siya asked him in a soft voice as he nodded.

" Well...that's what happens when you don't listen."

" But Bhabhi....I just wanted to try once!" He whined. " Bolt and Blaze are also wild, but they don't push me off them."

" That's because Bolt and Blaze are still ponies Rudra, they know you, they love you. That horse wasn't familiar with you the way they are." Agastya reasoned.

" See, your Bhai kept telling you didn't he? Now no playing outside for the next few days till your wound doesn't get better."

" But why?" He scrunched up his nose cutely.

" Because then you'd have to sit out of all fun if you go out. You should just rest. If you insist on playing now, you'll have to skip for the entire month then."

" Does that mean I get to skip school too?"

" No skipping school. You've already skipped a week!"

" But but the first two days there was no school because the vacation got extended due to extreme weather. Please Bhai, I'm not well!"

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