" No." Came the stern refusal.

" No?"

" No."

" I'm not asking you out." The boy chuckled mirthlessly and Siya smiled softly.

" Yet." She added. " I'm well aware of your feelings Rishab. And I think it's high time we address the elephant in the room."

Rishabh smiled, mirth shone in his eyes.
" I can see a no coming my way, from a hundred miles away."

Siya chuckled.
" Well, you see it right."

" Is it because I'm younger than you?"

" No. It's because I love someone else."

" Vansh Bhai said he broke your heart."

" Vansh seriously needs to stop discussing my love-life. I'll make sure Aarya talks to him."

" So it's true? How long have you known him? Your heartbreaker?"

" He has a name." Siya frowned.

" But you won't tell me, would you? Everyone knows you've had your heart broken by a guy, but no one knows who. Is he that famous?"

" Yeah. I've seen him reach that stage, earn that fame, and have that fandom."

" So, a childhood love?" Rishab gave a bitter smile, realising she's loved him for long.

" Well, depends on how one percieves it." She shrugged

" Does he know? Does he not reciprocate?"

" He does."

" Which question of mine does that answer?"

" Both." A voice intervened and Siya turned to look at Aarya.

" He knows, and he reciprocates too. But he broke her heart badly, and if reciprocates, he should work to build the trust he broke, and to fix everything he ruined."

" Are you willing to give him a chance?"

Siya looked away, gulping.

" Are you not?"

" I don't know." She shook her head.

" It takes guts." He said softly, admirably.

" Huh?"

" It takes guts to love someone at their worst, to stay by them as they grow, and to continue loving them even after they break your heart and break you. You're brave enough to love him after whatever he put you through."

" And are you not?" Siya asked him with a rueful smile.

" Me?" He asked her incredulously.

" You knew I couldn't reciprocate. And that, I loved someone else, love someone else actually. Yet, instead of finding someone else who actually deserved you. You stayed along, with a glimmer of hope. To help me feel better although you broke your own heart in the process. It isn't easy." She shook her head sorrowfully.
" I'm sorry." She murmured.

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