" H-Hi. Can we talk?"

Avyaan stared at the woman before him incredulously.

" Why are you here?" He asked her coldly.

" I think...I should go..." Siya attempted to part away from him, thinking she wanted to talk to him alone but he pulled her closer.

" No. Tanya I'm asking you again, why on earth are you here?"

" I wanted to apologise. To both of you. I realised...my actions were such that I owe the two of you an apology."

" Let's sit and talk?" Siya suggested and Avyaan frowned.

" But—"

" Avyaan." She looked back at him sternly making him sigh.

" Fine."

Tanya hesitantly nodded.

Five minutes later, the three were sitting in awkward silence in the café till Avyaan let out a frustrated sigh.

" Will you just blurt it out and finish with this for once?"

Tanya nodded, an apologetic look on her face.

" I...I'm sorry. Genuinely. Avyaan had told me repeatedly that he's taken and I should stop trying to create controversies, I however ignored him. I had my debut film coming up, and my PR team suggested this for publicity. We had quite a few mutuals through whom we were acquainted and I thought it'd be a good idea. I'd seen my parents struggle with their careers all my childhood. And I'd seen the fights they'd have, the problems they'd face, it wasn'ta pleasant sight at all. I didn't want to go through the same. It's horrible for anyone to go through. I thought it'd get me good fame, instead I got the tag of a desperate homewrecker who's trying to ruin someone's relationship after Avyaan revealed in his interviews and through his PR that he was taken. He never said anything bad against me though it'd be totally justified if he did, given my actions, but he didn't. And I'm really grateful about that. Everywhere I go, I only got people breaking into hushed murmurs seeing me, calling me names and I understand why. When rumours about you started, and neither of you denying them, with Avyaan saying absolutely nothing, I realised that he was indeed taken. And I made a big mistake. If my actions led to any problems and misunderstandings in your relationship, I'm truly ashamed about that and extremely sorry for that too."

" No...no. Your actions did no such thing. And honestly, I have nothing against you Tanya. Seeing your parents struggle in their careers is indeed an unpleasant sight. So you trying to secure yours wasn't wrong, but your actions were. Also, I'm sorry about the tags that people gave you, no one deserves that, and I'm afraid I can't do much to make them stop, but what I know is, with time, people will forget about it. Trust me. They'll just mind their own business, and pretend as if this never happened in the first place. And I'm sure, you'd rather be in the headlines for your amazing acting than tags like these. So you'll be known for that soon. I wish you the very best and a successful career Tanya." Siya smiled at her, placing her hand on hers.

Tanya gave a frail smile.

" I get why people say you're too sweet now. Because you are. And too kind. There's no arrogance or pride about being a starkid and I've seen it with only one cricketer's daughter before you. Thank you. It feels like a burden is lifted off me."

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