Avyaan gazed at opposite door for a while and shut the door with a dejected sigh.

Siya and Aarya hadn't come home from the hospital last night.

It worried him.

He tried ringing up Shreyas but he couldn't reach him.

He tried calling Vansh, but he received none of his calls, the receptionist ended up receiving once  and informed him that he was engaged with patients and back to back surgeries.

Before he could ask about Siya, she hung up.

" Do you think she's fine?" He turned towards Karan who was typing a message to Maanvi.

" She's a doctor Avyaan. She has a hectic schedule."

" I know...but she's not returned since last night. It's bothering me. What if something happened to her?"

Karan sighed.
" Avyaan, why don't you get it? She's a doctor, a surgeon! There must be lined up surgeries that kept her engaged. Some could be emergencies too."

" What kind of emergency surgeries would an Orthopaedic have?"

" Fractures, sudden acute injuries, trauma, complications through existing condition. Septic joint and Osteomyelitis. There are plenty emergency surgeries an Orthopaedic would have." Shreyas walked into his house and he let out a relieved sigh.

" You asshole! I tried calling you so many times! You didn't even pick up once!"

" I'm sorry. Look mate, I'm aware you're worried about my sister but she's fine. She had overnight surgeries lined up."

" So she didn't sleep at all? She couldn't even function properly if she didn't have good sleep."

" That was seven years ago Avyaan. What makes you think her body hasn't adapted to this routine?"

" But it's not healthy!"

" What makes you think a doctor has a healthy sleep cycle? Yeah well, if you're a paediatric or vet, or dentist or...well never mind I cannot recall anymore, my point is, some doctors don't have such a hectic schedule, but surgeons do. And she's a surgeon. It depends on the kind of doctor one wants to become as well whether they get to have a healthy sleep cycle or not."

Avyaan sighed yet again as he walked into his bedroom and came back with a bag full of cosmetics and eye-masks and masks.

Handing it to Shreyas, he sat back down as his best-friend let out a dramatic squeal.

" For me?"

" For Siya! She's been coming home late and going early for the past week. I've been sending bouquets, and chocolates, notes, pastries and whatever I can think of for her to at-least let me talk. But if I send this, I'm afraid I'll not only get it back but also receive a few slaps in return. These...help with dark-circles and stuff. I asked Meher."

Shreyas eyed him as he clicked his tongue in disgust.
" Whipped. You're so whipped it's making me gag and want to throw up. Ew. What will it take you to leave my sister alone?"

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