Welve (v.) to bury something deep

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Thin lips bounce haphazardly, revealing stained teeth reflecting the board member's true age. Rows of heads lulling about in approval for ascending business trends. Everyone's happy when business is fantastic.

Everything was just fucking fantastic.

She sneered inwardly, unaware of the conversations spilling across the table. Incoherent statements thrown around amongst the hungry mongrels greedy with filthy riches that supply lousy hair implants and poor skin regiments. Everyone climbing on one another for the next pitch. For their own selfish glory.

Different year, same old shit. Five years exactly.

Damn, she needed a fix and fast.

Standing tall amongst the bickering members, she fixed a scowl at her board members before striding out of the glass meeting room.

Heels clatter next to her before Gal frustratedly swiped her face, "pathetic fools always trying to terminate personnel whilst stepping on one another. Have Melissa summarize their propositions and send them to me," she commands angrily at her assistant.

"Done," Rose putters out as she taps away at her iPad.

Gal pauses at the entrance to her office, "call Helena, tell her meet me at once," she growls.

Rose's foot pause just behind hers, "ummm-"

Gal squeezes her eyes shut, wielding back her sour temper before turning to the confused woman, "anything wrong?"

The shorter woman shakes her head, "I'll let... Jolene know," she enunciates causing Gal's head to twitch at her mistake.

"Apologies," she mutters tamping down her anger, "that's who I meant," Gal adds not meeting Rose's gaze.

She clears her throat through the awkwardness, "you know what, I'll call Jolene. You can take the rest of the day off," Gal exclaims before pushing her office door open.

"Your sister's-"

Before her assistant could finish, Gal's eyes flitted to emerald one's severing the hopes to get her fix. She growls in dismay before nodding towards Rose.

"You've mistaken my door for your own?"

Maya waves nonchalantly at her sarcasm before movements to her left had her clenching her fists. Her soon to be sister in law stood from the leather couch with fire in her eyes.

"We wouldn't be in this predicament if you hadn't had your head up your ass this past month," Tori snaps angrily coming to a stop in front of her.

Gal swallows her words, knowing Tori had every right to chew her out. She had been gone for her yearly port visitations in Europe just after the engagement party and avoided everyone for thirty days. Thirty glorious summer days because she couldn't stand taking her visitations in the winter time due to the memories that turned into nightmares. She arrived back in New York two days ago without a word to any of her family. But she just... couldn't anymore.

Tori must've noticed the grief in her eyes before the fiery woman fixed Gal's cuff links that parted unknowingly.

God, she was a mess.

"I know it's been-"

"I'm not having this conversation," Gal interjects softly knowing if she gets Tori started again, they'd be in a heated argument.

Her sister's fiancé's lips snap shut before an exasperated sigh escapes, "well then, we came to tell you that first fittings are in an hour. Thought you might want company," Tori proposes gesturing towards Maya, "and she's getting on my nerves. Please take her off my hands," she whispers the last part.

She swallows down her laughter, looking at her exhausted sister in law. Gal clamps down her thoughts that held fond memories between her Marketing Manager and her. Gal shivers from treading into those parts of her brain.

Gal contemplated asking Tori if she happen to find a certain blonde. Said blonde that vanished with her heart and never once made contact. Cell phone disconnected. No social media whatsoever so Gal hadn't bothered with that.

But surely, she should be included in this wedding planning and preparations pertaining to Tori Prescott.

Tori leans closer, "she still doesn't want to talk to me because I'm going to be gone for a week with the girlies," she lisps.

"Dramatic," Gal teases under her breath.

"It runs in the family," Tori sasses out of her office door before Gal could give the woman a proper bantering.

Gal sighs heavily glancing towards her sister that held two crystal glasses. She smiles lopsidedly, "what the hell," she shrugs.

Maya guffaws grabbing the canter and pouring the fine whiskey to the rim. Her mouth salivates with anticipation before Gal grasps her glass and held it high, "to your pockets. May they never be empty," she gleams.

Her sister chortles, blushing like like a teenager, "just shallower," Maya jests.

A single clink sounds before their throats burn deliciously. Both sisters reach for the canter refilling their drinks, because truly it's that kind of week.

Later that night...

Swirling in a multitude of incoherent sentences resonating from a damn impressive sassy voice, Gal throws back another double shot. Messy honey blonde curls that illuminated mesmerizing emerald eyes had her hell bound. She snaps her fingers towards the young bartender and pointed to her drink, keeping her eyes trained on the winsome woman.

"You should slow down."

Green eyes finally broke the sexual tension before Gal smirks salaciously, "I'm capable of so much things, darling. This," she wiggles her glass, "won't leave me incompetent."

The oozing little minx had the audacity to roll her eyes and she fought against her demons, seeing her vision started to blur. She slams back her whiskey and leaned enticingly close to the blonde, "where were we?"

That delicious lips curved into a smile before Gal registered the charged air closing. She quickly salvage her reputation, turning her head before her finger laid across heart shaped lips, "rule number one, no kissing," she growls. She didn't wait to cease the woman by the back of her neck and biting down on the pulse point, eliciting a decadent moan.

One simple moan and the craning of the woman's neck only led to one thing. Many one things later and she was chasing another that would hopefully leave her sated and spent to drown out her late night hauntings of her.

She growled at the thought of the woman that left her in shambles and instead succumb to her demons.

The Surgeon's Kismet ( Book 2 Gal GadotxFem)Where stories live. Discover now