Agape (n.) selfless, sacrificial and unconditional love

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Cerulean eyes of substantial agony built through years carrying burdens. Distressed with weight of insecurities and mistakes. But none of it could taint the rarity of the woman as a whole. A whole piece that has been absent. A whole piece that still completed her.

Without thinking, without resistance, Gal takes a step forward running her hands upon the woman's womb encasing two beautiful babies. Babies that hold pieces of this miraculous woman. Babies that was being beautifully created by the most selfless human she's ever known. Babies that would be loved and cherished by their mother... and her.

"There was a time," Gal whispers dancing her fingertips on the curve of Lily's belly, "I felt unworthy of being a mother because I've never wanted children. You were right to call me out on that. I couldn't see myself raising babies in this wretched world. There are deceiving, wicked people that do the worst sorts of things. There's criminals, murderers, rapists, pure monsters. But," she smiles wrapping one arm around the teary woman, "there are music teachers that lay the foundations of a good woman. There are witty choir leaders that would fight anyone and everyone if it meant to protect the people they love. There are intelligent professors that grab ahold of your cheeks just so you know that she loves you. There are a father's love that only want best for their children. And there are doctors who pretend to be witches and uses wands to cast spells to heal then spoil them with chocolate pudding."

Melting contently into Gal's arms, Lily couldn't stop herself from free falling into the woman's presence.

"And there's a magnificent, clumsy woman," Gal giggles warmly, tipping Lily's chin up so she could meet those azure orbs, "that convinced a stubborn, undeserving woman like me to embrace everything I am given. These babies are the very parts of you that you've created masterfully. And I'd be a fool to not accept these beautiful little humans. In fact," she smiles widely, "I've already claimed that they are my babies."

Without a second to think, Lily crashed her lips upon heavenly pillows that shed all her burdens. Every ounce of hesitancy dissipated because finally she was home. After wandering aimlessly, she could finally lay down. She could finally release all the weight and feel protected.

As she felt Gal slowly peeling away from her, Lily's eyes fluttered open because this fragile moment could still turn sour. But then, Gal had to turn her world right side up once more.

Tenderly, devotedly and quietly, Gal knelt down trailing her hands down until she was eye level with the most beautiful creations. Her Lily was crafting her babies, something she had never thought was for herself. But at this very second, it was everything she's ever wanted. Her head bent forward and at the touch of her lips on Lily's belly, she felt at peace.

And if she hadn't already fell deeply in love with the woman, Lily could die happy at this very moment. Gal kneeled for no one but she bent for her, for her babies. She was claiming not only her but she was claiming the tiny humans growing within her. And now, Lily needed to profess her love.

Dropping delicately to her knees, Lily sat on her heels with tears in her eyes and her heart on her sleeve. She grasped onto Gal's face and pulled her in for a languishing kiss that told her the unspoken words. Through Gal's language of action, Lily wove her tongue through the woman's lips and whimpered at the dominant reaction.

"I'm yours," Lily whispers before she was enveloped into strong protective arms.

Gal's mind was thrumming with yearning. Lily held the key to unlocking what she buried under pain and suffering. She had severed the last of Gal's resistance and she was falling. "Say that and mean it," she growled because Lily needed it embedded into her.

She became alive with Gal's possessiveness, "I'm yours and only yours," Lily shudders feeling Gal's grip tighten around her. "Mark me, claim me, keep me, own me."

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