Retrouvaille (n.) rediscovery

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No POV....

With an exuberant glow and that giddy laughter, Lily couldn't fathom how much she truly missed her best friend. Tori was already two glasses down and at this rate, her bestie's skin would be the shade of beets by the end of their night.

"I can't believe you have this little cutie!" Tori erupts happily, snuggling Hani that cried softly from how loud her best friend was.

Lily pouted to suppress her giggles before Hani had an opening to scamper away from the crazy woman. She hadn't seen her little one retreat into the crook of her elbow as fast as he did. She barks in laughter protecting the sugar glider before soft knocks danced up the stairs. She thought she was hearing things but then Tori faced the stairs, which was odd because they weren't expecting anyone.

"Did you order pizza?" Tori asks playfully that got Lily up off the couch.

She shakes her head, "why would I order pizza when I have dinner and dessert in the oven? Though maybe it's London," Lily replies, checking her phone.

"Oh, the psychiatrist?"

She hums, nodding as Lily opened the messaging. No messages. She shrugs turning towards her best friend, "I'm not sure."

Tori shrugs back before Lily placed Hani into the front pouch of her overalls and made her way down the stairway.

Another set of knocks came before Lily grasped the doorknob and pulled.

"Well, about bloody time you answered-"

Her words died on the edge of her tongue as cerulean blues sparkled like her own galaxy. Gold waves spilled over forest green headband that matched the ethereal woman's overalls perfectly. Tinge of red adorn flawless tanned cheeks that was the keeper of alluring dimples.

And then it hit her like an eighteen wheeler plowing through New York's busiest bridge, it was her Lily. Alive. Breathing. Glowing.

Time had froze as deep pools of chocolate sang to her like sirens, luring their prey in. That delectable confectionery masterpieces tempting her just as that equally sweet lips. Lips that held Lily under a spell every time those pillowy heavens touch hers.

And before she could go off the deep end and drown, panic sets in. The ethereal goddess stood before her in all her gorgeous glory. In the flesh or was this a damn dream?

Then as Lily felt the head rush of thrill came that menacing glare that could burn the whole world down.

And it did.

"What in the hell?!" Gal growls like a rabid wolf, glaring right at the fiery minx and then over her damn shoulder to the scared newly wed that look as if she was caught. "Maya!!!! Get your ass over here!"

Startled by her thunderous voice, Lily jumps from her dazed state. This was bad. Then it dawned on her, Lily whipped around to her best friend with hurt in her eyes, "Maya? Yo-you lied to me?"

The implosion of the situation didn't deter Tori. She needed to dampen the fires living in both Gal and Lily's eyes before it's ruined. She bit the inside of her cheek before she reached for Lily's hand. "Ana-"

She felt betrayed as Lily steps back and regrettably so as a screech escapes her lips. But as abrupt as her lips parted, warm protective arms embraced her whole body until Lily was safely flushed against what seems like a concrete wall. But nothing was as sturdy and familiar than the woman's body that had her eyes whipping to the swoon worthy goddess.

Anger and betrayal should never be presented to her because Gal could play that game better than anyone. Fire lived in her veins as she realized that she wasn't the only fool in this little charade of theirs. Not when Lily looked as if she was burned. And she was warranted every feeling swirling around in the suffocating foyer. But as fate took its course, the fumbling woman had plopped right into her arms.

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