Akrasia (n.) lack of self control

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The blur of Gal's executive floor had brought Lily back down to earth. But still, she felt as if she was venturing in misty mountains with nothing but her arms was visible. She should've taken another elevator and gone about her life without Ilana agitating her boggled mind. But what she really needed to do was hit the down button to the security counter to get a recording of her run in with Ilana Gadot.

Blinking out of her startled state, Lily whipped her hand out in time to stop the elevator doors from closing completely. Shakily, she exited the metal confinements and onto the immaculate marbled flooring.

Despite how much times she had been on the top floor of the world's prestigious tower, she still felt unworthy to be surrounded by the lavishness. She feared touching anything for her essence would smudge the pristine beauty. Though for a short time she had polished the very floors, Lily still cringed with every step.

"Ms. Spencer."

Clenching from the way her name slipped through the woman's lips, Lily found a different version of Gal's mother chatting up the receptionist that always welcomed her warmly. She wasn't prepared for the older woman and as she is now, only made Lily cautious about the woman's ulterior motives.

Ilana batted her hands, calling her over to the desk. Hesitantly, Lily plastered a warm smile and approached the two chatty women.

"Ms. Cassidy, you must know Ms. Spencer," Ilana gleams pleasantly as Lily deepens her smile because Abby has always been delightful. The receptionist hadn't had time to respond when Gal's mother waved her arm, "my daughter's been so busy lately, she can't seem to meet with her mother either. So do your magic and phone her."

Abby's eyes went wide as Lily's before the poor woman reaches for her phone. She taps on the digits as soon as Ilana reached over to place the phone on speaker. The phone rang and rang until Rose's voice sounded through the speakerphone.

Without a second to spare, Ilana abruptly stopped Abby with her hand, "hey Rosie darling, it's Ilana."

Rose must've been caught off guard as her next words seemed strained and guarded, "Ms. G- I mean Ilana. Hi, how can I help you today?"

"I'm doing splendid Rosie, thank you for asking," Ilana graciously replied, "it would be an even better day if you could ring my daughter for us, wouldn't it?"

A wisp of a sigh came through and Lily felt that deflation.

"Your daughter has requested that she is not to be both-"

"Bullshit," Ilana interrupted the personal assistant, "ring my daughter again-"

"She is on a video conference right now," Rose enunciates, "and I am needed in another meeting in two minutes. I can send in a message. That's all I can do. My hands are tied as much as yours right now."

Gal's mother inhaled though Lily could feel the intensity of her irritation. Ilana took a few seconds, thinking about her response.

"How about we leave a message?" Ilana mouth to her before Lily hesitantly nods.

The older woman turns to the phone, "write this down, word for word," she directed just like her daughter swayed any room she walked it. Ilana claps her hand, "tell my stubborn daughter that her mother had ran into a lovely pregnant blonde that shared the same interests of an audience with her. Since she won't kindly welcome us, I'm taking Ms. Spencer to lunch."

Rose's audible gulp sounded, "Lily's here?"

Poor woman seemed caught in the middle of things but kept her professionalism composed.

"Damn right she's here," Ilana hisses but she never let her mask sip either. "And please do add that I'm disappointed that she is keeping a pregnant woman out here waiting for her, every damn day for the pass two weeks. If she had any inkling of how hard it is on swollen feet, she would stop being so damn stubborn and talk like an adult. In fact," she slapped the desk, "tell her don't bother calling, this is unacceptable. Goodbye."

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