Deipnosophist (n.) someone skilled in small talk

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Exhaustion riddled her bones as Lily shivered from the sudden breeze sweeping through the suite. Last of the suns rays disappearing as she groggily sighs from missing her whole birthday. It wasn't like anyone was there to celebrate it with her and being the only one in a massive bungalow only added to her loneliness. Her hand caress the exposed bump, lost exuberantly in thought of the two babies that should be begging for attention soon.

Like clockwork, her stomach rumbled furiously as the cravings began to run her weary. She needed something tangy, something sweet, something salty but not too salty.

Lily barks out laughing at herself, "where am I going to get that?" she questions propping her head up to gaze at her tummy. She melts all over again, knowing her precious babies will have her wrapped around her finger, "okay, let's see what mommy can order from room service."

She swept herself off the canopied bed and towards the accordion balcony doors that led down to the attached dock. Smiling happily at the thought of dipping her toes in the salty waters, Lily slid the doors closed and walked to the living room where all her belongings were tossed haphazardly on the joint kitchen counter. She tapped on the screen noting an abundance of texts from her friends back in Australia. Tears fell from her eyes as London's messages were filled with pictures of Hani and Zephyr. She kissed the screen adorn with faces of the little ones before her phone buzzed against her lips.

The unknown number gracing her screen had Lily puzzled until a heavy French accent resonated in her ear. Her lips curled when the concierge confirmed her bag has arrived and will be delivered in five minutes. She inquired about room service and nothing too appealing that could satisfy her so Lily hung up the phone when a knock came.

She pulled open the door and sitting at her doorstep was her luggage. Mangled and beaten to the point half of her belongings was spilling out. What caught her eyes was the sheer maroon dress she had planned on wearing for the wedding. And now, it's ruined.

Lily guided the hotel worker in and he left what's left of her luggage on the couch before apologizing sympathetically. She waves him off and soon he was out the door. So much for hoping her dress was found, only to have what looks like tire marks. Her whole bag seemed to have been ran through repeatedly. She grasp the velvety material in exasperation before Lily decided she would have to hurry to find another dress. The concierge had reminded her that because it was Christmas, shops would be closing at seven before the festival. She rushed into her bedroom and donned her warm hooded jumper followed by a light peacoat to keep her bones from freezing.

Five minutes later, Lily closed her front door and waited for the cart to picked her up from her bungalow. That was the most convenient thing than trekking the long pathway back to shore and then towards the launch bay that was literally across from her front door. It had to be a mile walk from her steps to the boat. She leaned against her railing thankful for London's advice to up her wardrobe because the larger coat fit comfortably and still loose to hide her belly.

"Bonjour Madam."

Lily whipped around, bashfully smiling from being lost in the lapping waves and the stunning sunset. The attendant tips his head forward with a smile that could match the sunset.

"Bon après-midi (good afternoon)," she giggles softly. Her eyes glances once more towards the last rays of sun, "it's beautiful here."

Aaron, as plated on his name tag nods happily, "I don't think there's anywhere in the world that could beat the sunsets here," he replies. His accent laced heavily in French. "Are you headed over to the main island?"

Lily nods excitedly, sitting in the backseat before Aaron began their route.

"We've one more stop before we head to the dock," Aaron adds pointing in the opposite end where massive bungalows sat.

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