Peripeteia (n.) a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances

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Sleep wouldn't come to her as she was snugged tightly with the one that still had the biggest piece of her heart. She couldn't especially trapped under a woman that twisted her body perfectly as if Gal was the runner.

Oh how the tides have turned.

Still, Gal watched the storm dissipate bringing the first light of morning with her lips pressed into blonde locks. Surely Lily would have a mess to deal with when she wakes, but she was selfishly taking whatever she could get.

Despite having the woman in her arms, the treacherous nature of their situation still prodded in her mind. The new day brought numerous dreams of keeping Lily but the never ending voices said otherwise. Lily had her own life and her being here meant more than just a screw. Well to Gal it was more than that.

Was it her goodbye? Her last time with Gal and then she could finally live freely? Or was it more?

Gal hoped with her all that it was the latter. As much as Lily had hurt her, no, destroyed her, she still wanted to keep Lily. She hadn't lied and claimed Lily as her soulmate and never would she take it back. If Lily was asking her for forgiveness, she would have to concede because truly, she had forgiven the woman the moment Lily showed up at the wedding. The frustrating thing is, she had never admitted it outright masking her hurt with anger but now, she knew she was angry because she had forgiven Lily as easily as everyone else. Well, easier than most of them had. She just wished she knew what Lily would do when she wakes up in the morning. Lily was a runner and if Gal would put money on it, she would wake up to an empty bed.

Though in her mind, Gal was thinking about what Lily was running to. The woman created her own life and bought her own house. She had grown from the depths of poverty and made a name for herself. Lily had found happiness and though it killed her, Gal only wished for Lily's happiness. Even if Lily was running to someone. The woman was a romantic and if she was running, more than likely she was sprinting to love.

Despite the aching feeling of being at home in Lily's arms, Gal untangled each limb from the woman and hastily headed for the fridge. She needed a drink and space to think about her next move. Lily was strategic and that meant, she had plans that were set. Only if she knew what they were, she could feel at peace.

Gal twisted the bottle cap of her water and drank heavily until her stomach was full. She could force Lily's hand and point her in the direction back to Gal's awaiting arms but that would make the woman run further. Or she could stand by and let another five years pass by and hope for the woman to find her way back to where she belonged.

An idea struck her like last night's lightning before Gal was pulling out the drawer in her small foyer. She needed to make her move or she would lose the woman forever and she hoped that this would assure that Lily had options. She would pave the way to her door so when Lily was ready, Gal would be there. It was time for Lily to come running to her and with that she got to work before she was left with her heart ripped open again.


All she needed to do was put her foot in front of the other and continue. But every step she took felt like her heart was sinking. Every inch between her and the one she loved had her clinging to her chest. Her heart strings were straining thin from being apart. And she couldn't bare to know how she would cope once the plane lifted from the tarmac.

"Are you okay?"

Blinking the tears straying on top of her eyelids, Lily finally sat down next to Alex looking as put together as she did when Lily had first met her. She inhaled a deep breath turning towards the window where she left her heart. She swallows the impending ball forming in her throat, "I will be," she murmurs.

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