Quondam (adj.) belonging to some time long past; once but no longer

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Bouncing out of the hospital mid morning wasn't an ideal choice of self care but the memories of adorable nose scrunches and carefree giggling filled her heart. At the start of her shift she was a magician pulling out needles and making the contents disappear and by the end, she was Tinker Bell with glittery pixie dust. The simple joy of children's happiness made up for her achy feet. It almost made her forget about a certain email that sat unread for the last few hours.

A subtle drawn out growl radiating from her little pouch around her neck reminded her of Hani's eagerness to retreat into the darkness. She slid into her car and booked it home because the little one just knew what she needed. She needed sleep.

After depositing a sleepy Hani in his open cage in the corner of the living room, Lily strutted towards her bathroom. She slipped off her hearing aids, drowning out the world around her before wet towelettes brush away the light makeup. She stripped her clothing and delved into the cold shower, sighing loudly to the cool contrast in the Australian heat. Discounted products fashioned her shelves as she quickly scrubbed her scalp. Her skin had darken slightly over the years of absorbing the Australian sun. She lathered soap over the loofa and treated herself just a while longer.

She gathered her short blonde locks, thanking whatever drunk thought that made her chop her hair off. Though she was a wreck the next day, crying in a barber's chair asking for a miracle. A miracle indeed as her chin length bob cut was easier to manage. She ran the towel vigorously through her hair and stepped into her small closet space.

Flipping through her clothes, letting her conscious figure out what was good for cuddling before her fingers treaded on her most prized possession. Faded maroon rolled up with bold white letters that once held the floral musky scent that only belonged to one person. She nose dived into the material, wishing she could take it all back.

To take back the hurtful words. To grasp on tightly and never let go. To turn back around and plead for forgiveness.

No. She wouldn't have been forgiven. She didn't deserve taking apart the selfless woman.

Lily released the material and slid it further into her closet before settling on a flimsy tank top and sweats. Must have sweats.

After settling the elastic band on her waist, Lily skidded towards the kitchen. A light salad was in the work to prevent her upset stomach. Nausea hit her hard this morning as she wolfed down a breakfast burrito with the girlies. Her ortho-surgeon work bestie always fed her a hearty meal while on shift.

Sprinkling sunflower seeds on top of her avocado Mediterranean salad, Lily lifted her plate and Hani's container before plopping down on the suede sofa. She didn't need to call the little one because as soon as she placed it on the counter, the container of food was covered over by white fur. She snickers happily, enjoying the muted serenity.

With her stomach happy and Hani's avocado painted face, Lily set off towards the roof. She pushed open the glass door before pressing the silver button that retracted the glass panels letting in the sun to half the rooftop terrace. Fresh air bellowed in as she sat her companion on the soft mattress of her outside sofa accompanied by her cellphone that was tempting her. She scuttled towards the little gym set hoping to distract her from her egging thoughts.

What could possibly have Tori reaching out for her after all these years?

A day after she had packed a luggage and left New York City, Tori had called her. She had already been in Buckingham Palace seeking out Aunt Lizzy by then. A shouting match erupted in the throne room between the two which resulted in Lily cutting ties to New York completely.

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