Indagatrix(n.) a female investigator

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In the morning she smelled Gal's essence but her tired eyes stared at the empty spaces beside her. Her lips felt thoroughly kissed and yet no sign of her lover anywhere. Her cell sat on her bedside with missed calls that she eagerly returned and no answer. Not even a morning text. Strange considering Gal always sent a love letter.

She skipped to her bathroom and readied herself for Saturday in case Gal had planned something spontaneous that she always does. Weekends were usually their time unless her girlfriend had to work. But there was always time spent together. And Lily was preparing to bring up the topic of buying a place together so they could start decorating a nursery.

Speaking of decorating, the gifts from her baby shower had taken up her closet since she had time to organize that part. She pulled some of her outfits from her luggage but still kept majority of her things packed since Gal was a woman that moved fast. The woman could make the impossible appear in a matter of seconds.

She opted for her cotton overalls since the weather had been muggy lately before waddling out of her room. She waddled and she hate to admit that Alex was right about it. Carrying two bulky babies weren't for the faint of heart considering she swelled quite a bit from the plane ride or the indulgence of desserts.

"Oh, you're up!"

Tori's voice sounded from the kitchen entrance that was airy and excited which was odd since the woman was not a morning person at all. She despised early mornings especially on Saturdays where she would sleep in until ten and it was only eight.

Lily smiled happily at her chippy best friend, "and you are too," she teases before Tori slaps her shoulder. She giggles unguardedly, "that's what I expected. Why are you so cheery?"

Tori dissuaded her teasing before turning towards the kitchen, "Gal sent you flowers," she points out.

She blinks in confusion before following her best friend into the kitchen where Maya was already whipping up breakfast. On the marbled counter sat an exuberant bouquet of stargazing lilies and she quickly reached for the note, hoping it led to her lover. But her face fell when a simple have a good day message was written. No loving words. No poem. Nothing.

"Mom wants us over for the day," Tori calls over her shoulder before Lily lifted her gaze from the note.

"She was telling me about the mangoes that sprouted," Lily murmurs softly thinking about her favorite fruit.

"Spoiled," Tori spits playfully turning with a plate filled with French toast and bacon.

Maya plated the fruits that complimented their breakfast as they sat talking about the happenings that had occurred. Cyber attack on Gadot Industries were unheard of and Lily couldn't possibly understand why anyone would try to take down a multibillion dollar company or how to.

By the time they were headed out of the townhouse, Lily could practically taste Uncle Connor's orchards. Oddly though Maya opted out of driving when Gideon showed up instead.

"Ms. Spencer," Gideon teases earning him a shove from a giggling pregnant woman.

"Shut it," Lily hums under her breath while the older man opened their door.

"So what's the latest on those beautiful babies?"

Lily couldn't resist sitting in the middle of the second seating as she always did when she was with Gideon. Even though Tori had to scold her to put a seatbelt on, she relayed the time of the ultrasound and how the babies had stolen Gal's heart already. Thirty minutes were filled with Gideon's teasing despite how silent Tori and Maya was. Strange considering they always had to put their two cents into everyone's business.

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