Foudroyant(adj.) dazzling, stunning in effect

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She sat in the inviting living room surrounded by fond memories. Not her memories but lovely ones of a chatterbox filled with fun facts and whimsical stories. Adorn with fake plants that illuminated the lighter tones unlike her own tastes. But the photograph of a giraffe sticking out its tongue was something the owner would purchase, probably from a thrift store. The more she sat in the space, the more she imagined the clash of their worlds.

Her dark accents complimented Lily's earthy tones, perfectly. A suede obsidian couch that accommodated their long legs and a family for movie nights. Nights filled with ice cream and a rerun of the Harry Potter marathon before the children fell asleep.

Children. It still amazes her everyday that she chose the little humans without any hesitations. Tiny limbs that kick to and fro in the grey screen but she could see them vividly. She couldn't wait to hold them, to have them here despite Lily's teasing that they'll steal her away from the blonde. She wouldn't admit it but they already stolen a place in her heart as vast as the space Lily claimed. It's silly how she feared that Lily would be stolen from her and now, she was a walking contradiction.

"I'm sorry for the delay. My daughter couldn't find her phone and called me."

Her eyes trailed to the dark skinned woman shaking her head as Gal chortles. She perked up on the couch, shaking her head, "that's something I can't wait for," she gleams.

The realtor guffaws, "trust me, it's an adventure everyday in my household."

"Trust me," Gal spotted to the edge to grab her pen, "I know the feeling," she grins from ear to ear, thinking about her girlfriend and her silly facts. "So, the contract states everything is included?"

Jessica smiles softly, looking about the place, "the previous owner is selling everything as is."

Gal takes a deep breath, gazing at a piece of someone's heart and soul. "Good," she utters fondly, feeling a content sensation filling her heart.

"Shall we begin?"

Her eyes surveyed the lively room before Gal nods, "let's," Gal responds, tenderly scribbling her signature.

The trails of signatures brandish an investment for not only a property but a future. It wasn't like any of her assets, this was a gift that will keep giving. Whether it was a desirable community or not, her vision was on the future and with it three human beings that will be cherished for a lifetime. Or in Lily's words, the next lifetime and the one after that.

A ruckus of cabinets closing jeers her attention to the two newlyweds practically sucking each other's faces off. Gal shakes her head as giggling erupts from the couple that's been acting like teenagers. She couldn't fault them for they inspired love, everlasting love.

"Don't be breaking any cups," Gal croons from the living room, "I won't save you both from the owner."

She could practically hear Tori scoffing as her sister guffaws.

"London, I thought you were on kitchen duty," Gal jeers out teasingly.

"I'm changing Zane's diaper," London came out from somewhere in the townhouse. "Zeph's-"

Her eyes trailed to the brimming toddler beside her, "mama said you was suppose to be watching those two," Gal playfully jokes before the little girl shakes her head.

Footsteps had her spinning away from the moving boxes before Maya sat another box next to her.

"The kitchen is done."

She surveys the small box, "is that all?"

Her eyes wavering from her sister to the bratty minx carrying another box, "trust me, we've only picked the best things to ship. As your request, we just grabbed all the things that will fit the aesthetics."

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