Perfidy (n.) deceitfulness, betrayal

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Magnetized by sheer love enveloping her space. Two parts of one soul, bonded in forever with teary devotion and sniffled promises.

Golden hour striking porcelain skin that stretch for miles. Sun kissed beauty redden in the blissful atmosphere of priceless beauty.

One glance breaks the spell as Lily's gaze flutter to soulless eyes that never wavered from the reason everyone was in attendance today. Regret seeping into her bones. Guilt eating away at her soul before cheers erupted behind her.

This was it. The brides were wed and taking their first steps as Mrs. and Mrs. Gadot. And then she had to face the incoming storm.

An earthquaking storm conjured by the woman she loved and forever will. Anything but love lived in darken pupils that was ready to erupt. Nothing lived in those midnight pits except for disdain and resentment despite the over abundance of joy radiating from the newlyweds and the jostling crowd.

Cautiously taking the few steps towards the best woman, Lily's mouth dried up and her throat closed. She hesitantly lifted her hand as if she was petting a rabid wolf waiting to tear her to shreds. No words could suffice for the hurt flitting across prominent beauty. The last years had been merciful as Gal stood immaculately ethereal. Nothing changed. Not a wrinkle. Not a flaw to disrupt the perfection under Gal's eyes. Not even an abrupt change of weight. Honestly, the woman had become even more beautiful since the last time Lily laid eyes on her. Gal truly held the power of endless beauty, untouched by age.

Before any words could bubble from her throat, the woman's gaze flitted once over from Lily's eyes to the protruding belly that she kept protected. Those piercing orbs filled with fire and snarling parted lips could destroy an army of ruthless warriors. All the definitions of anger could never compare to the suffocating feeling surrounding the woman that once hung the moon for her. Regret seeped into her pores before Gal walked down the steps, leaving her breathlessly embarrassed.

Her lungs burned from the sheer disdain before Lily sniffled back her tears and followed the newlyweds with her head bowed low. The dismissal was there. Gal had looked at her with such contempt that Lily wished she could whether away.


The amounts of whiskey couldn't dull the old wound that she tried to stuff away. And here she was with another bottle, gulping away her tears because it was better to ignore it than confront the festered wound.

Deep disdain grew every time Gal thought about it, especially when her sister in law danced around as if she knew that Lily would be here. She had an inkling and the betrayal stung like the first cups of whiskey.

The day had started out with a headache, dealing with two drunkards. Her sister had suffered throughout the day until the very last second when she walked out of the bedroom, ready to marry the love of her life. The ride to the chapel was heavenly calming till the slight hold up. But as Quinn shuffled them to their places, Gal had this serene feeling warming her heart.

When the door had finally opened gifting the crowded room with two beautiful women to start off the procession, excitement built in her veins until Gal found herself floating after her sister that befell the whole room. She felt honorable to be standing next to her little sister and Gal felt exuberantly grateful she had Maya at the alter in one piece.

Though the music had been a last minute ditch, Gal admired the change simply because her sister was over the hills about the twilight saga. Honestly, Maya and Tori were the biggest fans. If Gal could recall the memory of their third date had Maya flying the both of them to Forks, Washington to experience the movie site. Either way, anything pertaining to the movie had reminded her of the two brides.

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