Sobremesa (n.) time to digest and savor food and friendship

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She should be relieved. That's what she kept repeating to herself, loathing in the pool alone in her thoughts. The empty whiskey bottle tempting her for another trip to the mini bar just inside the sliding doors. The short journey being a feat on itself if she ever had the motivation to paddle herself to the edge of the pool.

Surprisingly, her wedding companion hadn't made it back from whatever rendezvous she'd planned before Gal had woken from her drunken stupor. She wasn't at all concerned about Sutton as she had been the first couple of days because the unknowing chemistry between them seemed to fizzle out. Their entanglement had been a spark of excitement but now, it seemed to become just the afterthought. Like a firework display for the first time. The thrumming anticipation of what's to come and when the fuse was lit, the explosion was thrilling. The feeling was alluring and she wanted the feeling to last but with everything it must come to an end and it did. The ride is exuberant but after the explosion the sparks die out and rubble is left in its wake.

Unapologetically, Gal felt that this course had run its path and Sutton seemed to silently acknowledge that. She needed to talk to the woman about it but even that didn't give her the motivation to remove herself from the pity pool of self reflection.

Two days confined in her suite with nothing but alcohol and her thoughts, something good had to come out of this. But as she rummaged through the storm in her head, she hadn't noticed the dark clouds settling on the outskirts of the reef. Nor the drastic chill on her sun burnt skin. Not even a lick of the unknown breeze until droplets pitter patter against the pool's surface.

If it can't get any worse then it was, Gal would've been irritated. But in the last years, she had avoided the rain like the plague simply because rain coexisted with Lily. The woman always seemed to dance in the storms and welcome life's tribulations.

The mesh of warm droplets with chilly ones made her teary eyes flutter until what her sunny afternoon was suppose to be had reflected her thoughts precisely. She groans loudly, leaning off her floating lounger and into the chlorinated water. She floated to the top in no rush to escape the water before treading over to the near edge. Just as she pulled herself up, the flooding rain came down hard, pelting harshly on her skin before Gal took off towards the porch overhang for shelter.

"Great," she exhaled glancing at her pool towel that was equally drenched as her before she slid the sliding door open.

She tiptoed through the living room and towards her bedroom with droplets trailing behind her. She didn't bother warming the water up before she jumped into the cascading shower and peeled her swimsuit off her body.

After all her reckoning she was exhausted. Two whole days and still trouble seems to lurk. Two damn days and still nothing to come of it. From cursing the woman to mindlessly trying to forget all the wonderful memories that tittered between nightmares and dreams. What she really wanted to do was rip out her heart and tear it to shreds for pulsing rapidly when she thought about Lily.

The thing was, Lily had this whole new life in Australia. A brilliant career that she strived for. A cozy home that Gal can only imagine is warm and bright. Probably a dog named... Nala. A man, God a man that Lily had given herself to and together made a baby that the woman was carrying, beautifully.

And yet, Gal couldn't fault Lily for leaving. The hurt and traumatic experiences she endured would've had Gal running herself. Anyone really. But the most disturbing thing about it was the fact Lily had left her in shambles. After every whispered promises and wishful thinking of a future, Gal truly believed they could make it in this wretched lifetime. Call her selfish but she was extremely possessive of all of it because of Lily's ability to plant the impossible and watch it bloom. Just this time, Gal was left to fester and rot, alone.

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