'Ala Rasi (Urdu) Anything for you

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Tori's POV....

Her eyes danced down towards the foot of the bed, observing her pacing wife. Irritation getting the best of her as Maya nervously bit her thumbnail.

"She's going to kill me," Maya sighs heavily, slapping her palm to her forehead before facing Tori. "I don't know how this is going to work. Putting the two of them together will cause an implosion, a deeper division. I don't know how this was going to fix the problem?"

Tori sat up from her side of the bed because her wife was always one to break first between the both of them. She needed to calm the woman down before her overthinking wife might burst into flames. She crawled on the bed, capturing her stammering woman, "first of all, we both witnessed how miserable they look apart. Lily couldn't keep her eyes from wondering to Gal whilst your sister went into a full blown stalker-"

"No, she wasn't stalking Lily," Maya defends with an incredulous look. She flail her hand, "she was simply making sure that Lily was safe. You know with the pregnancy and all."

She rolled her eyes at Maya's downplay of Gal's actions, "she couldn't even keep her eyes off of Lily for more than five seconds," Tori argues. "Besides the point," she held out her hands to stop the subject from veering away from her true intentions, "we agreed that we hate seeing them without each other. They were meant to be. Call it fate, call it soulmates, you know that they belong together."

"And fate should've brought them together," Maya expresses frustratedly. She points between her and Tori, "we are meddling in other people's affairs-"

"Because they're stubborn," Tori singsongs assertively before hopping off the bed and standing in front of her wife.

"Five years went by-"

"And Lily made that decision," Maya declared with utmost loyalty to her sister that was something Tori admired her for. But right now, she couldn't let fate keep the two apart.

"Yes, she did," Tori nods understandingly, "but tell me you haven't seen the old budding love, crackling. The bond is strong as it was before. It's there. I see it."

"And then she left, again."

Tori didn't know whether to pull her hair out of strangle her wife as she settled with a grunt, "she did because she has a life in Melbourne. But if she didn't, do you think she would've stayed? Because I'm a hundred percent certain-"

"How do you know?" Maya raises her voice, laced with fear and panic.

She calmly takes a deep breath before reaching for Maya's hand, "baby," Tori breathes, "I can't speak for Gal but I know Lily. She has been torn up about her past and she tried to avoid the subject but there's moments where she does open. And when she does, there's this sparkle in her eyes. It's the same glimmer when she used to gush about Gal. You know Lily has never looked or even thought of anyone in a romantic way?"

Maya's eyes snapped to meet hers with disbelief because the woman's loyalty sat with her sister. And that was granted but doesn't mean Maya didn't admire the two together.

Tori nods warmly with a gleam, "I know we wasn't suppose to be meddling in their affairs but I'd do anything to knock both their heads together so they realize that they're meant to be. Of course," she drawls out as Maya rolls her eyes, "we can't force them to forgive but we can't force them into the same room....and possibly locked them there till they figure things out."

That caught Maya's attention as Tori's smile deepens from her wife's gleam. It didn't take much before Maya was dialing Gal's number and Tori's excitement to skyrocket.

The band was getting back together. Hopefully it won't blow up in their faces, Tori thought before sighing into the bed.


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