Constult (v.) to act stupidly together

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Gurgling resonated on her bathroom floor followed by hapless giggling. Her master bath was a mess considering two bumbling drunks that didn't know whether to take a bath or throw up. Thankfully, they were fully clothed despite the spots of vomit ever since they were helicoptered off a retired tanker that Gal's friend lended just for Maya's bachelorette party. Thirty minutes by helicopter and almost just as long to get Maya into her abode before the sun rose. Unfortunately, Sutton had come rushing in drunk off her ass and now Gal had to deal with the both of them and she wasn't nearly tipsy but she was exhausted.

"I'm getting married today."

Maya's excitement had dwelled since the rehearsal dinner and Gal blamed it on the fact her stomach had been tosses upside down. Her sister's liver must've been mangled at the amount of alcohol everyone was pouring down her throat. A toast every damn second would do that to her and it did as Gal sat on the vanity counter waiting until both women pass out.

"I'm hungry," Sutton sighs, stumbling to get herself up.

The thing was, Gal had no clue what to cook and the very ingredient was motivation. She wasn't about to cook and room service wasn't until an hour from then.

"I'm tired," Gal banters receiving a pout from her plus one.

"The snack shop's open," Maya points out, finally having some sense. But Gal was too invested thinking about sleep.

"How about I call your mother and see if she can bring you both something?"

She didn't wait for a reply simply strutting off into her bedroom to rid her of one task. She was responsible for her sister's current situation, but anything could help at this point. She dialed her mother's phone number and that wicked woman had sent her straight to voicemail over and over again.

Gal gave up the hope of victory and decided maybe something in their stomachs could get them to bed which meant she could sleep as well. She peeked into the bathroom, letting both women know she's headed out to grab something to eat before throwing on her shirt and exiting the bungalow.

She didn't bother to call a ride as Gal took to walking instead. She figured by the time her ride came, she would purchasing her goods. She could eventually be carted back to the bungalow. The sun was already half way on the horizon and she hoped that didn't reset her sleep schedule considering she had been up for twenty four hours. Halfway down the pathway, she wondered on intruding through Maya and Tori's suite to wake the woman so she could take care of her damn fiancé. But reconsidered upsetting Tori from the fact the woman believed in superstitions.

It's bad luck to for the bride to see the bride before the wedding.

Gal had heard that statement before and she wasn't going to rile up Tori for nothing. Not even when Maya's being annoying.

Giggles filled the air around her just before she reached the seashore that connects the bungalows to the rest of the resort. For some odd reason, Gal slowed her steps to survey her surroundings. She didn't know why she felt... interested. Then her eyes captured two heads sticking out of the water. How odd that anyone would be out this early nevertheless snorkeling in the morning waters. Though Gal glanced at the sunrise and understood the appeal of the view. She leaned against the railing, lured into the calmness of it all and smiled because the oddest things were always something she overlooked. Sometimes the simplest weird things could hold an amount of serenity that she hadn't appreciate before her life picked up speed. Only one woman had shown her the sensations of slowing down and enjoying the fresh air.

And now, she's beyond exhausted if she was thinking about things she should've left buried in the back of her mind.

Gal sighed into the morning air before she curiously eyed one woman that seemed so familiar considering the brunette was closer to her while the other drifted further away. It didn't take long before Gal knew exactly who the woman was.

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