Quatervois (n.) a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one's life

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It was a lazy Sunday afternoon with Zephyr and London whom swung by to pick up her daughter. Just after their early dinner, the little one was adamant about watching her favorite movie before she went home. London being the victim to her daughter's pout gave in and decided on making them tea. She was grateful for the wind down especially since her stomach has been upset again since that morning.

When she woke, Lily felt queasy. Luckily that didn't have her running to the toilet but still, she felt unmotivated to do anything. Though she did drag Zephyr to the park and let the little one blow off some energy. When they got back, Lily had fixed them something light for lunch and then they fell asleep on the couch. A good two hour nap had her feeling energized as she cooked Zeph's ultimate Mac and Cheese for dinner. London had strolled in just as they was about to dive into their dessert which London craved. Desserts were her craving with this pregnancy and Lily predicted that this one was a boy even though the soon to be mother didn't want to know the gender.

"Here you are," London speaks softly, not to disturb her daughter watching her movie beside Lily. "It's mom's recipe for an upset stomach. A natural remedy."

Lily smiles into her cup that had floating ice cubes to cool down the steamy drink. She inhaled the floral draft of chamomile and ginger noting the dark red taint that Lily assumed was cherry. London's mother, Cindy was in a cherry fusion phase with her staccato tree producing an ample amount the woman could bare. She gently sipped the concoction, humming delightfully, "this is wonderful. I adore your mother."

London chortles lazily, "corrections, she adores you. She asks about you all the time."

"Tell her adopt me."

At Lily's attempt to pout, London bursts into laughter. Her mouth clamps shut when they both received an adorable glare from Zephyr. She runs her hand through the little girl's hair apologetically.

"I'm sure mother already have and," London glances at her daughter, "I'm sure she would love that idea."

Lily kissed Zephyr's temple knowing how much she loved the little girl with her whole heart. "Soon I'll be delivering your baby. How are you holding up?"

London's cheeks flared from that damn pregnancy glow that had Lily melting like the ice cubes in her mug. "Besides my swollen feet and emotional rollercoaster, my husband is loving my irregularly high libido," the woman guffaws.

"That's what got you the second one," Lily teases playfully.

"Oh hush," London tsk trying to conceal her smile. "How are you feeling? You've been looking a bit flushed recently."

Lily sighs softly knowing London could read her. Though she wasn't one to hold back her feelings or facial expressions either. And honestly the psychiatrist knew her deeper than anyone in Australia. Still, London had kept that barrier between patient and a friend. And outside of their sessions, Lily did confide in her.

"You remember Tori?"

London's eyes widen knowing full well about her best friend and the insane things that happened between the two of them.

She gulps heavily, snuggling into the couch, "she's engaged an-and she's getting married around Christmas-"

"She sent you an invitation? Why's that a bad thing?" London curiously questions.

"It's not that exactly. She has reached out multiple times. It's just," Lily waves her hand, "I reserved a spot but then received an automated email about it. I just thought-"

"She would've personally seen to it?"

"I wanted more," Lily nods subtly. "And then I overthink things because I feel like I don't deserve it. We made promises our whole lives including the fact I was suppose to be the maid of honor and now, I don't know how to mend our friendship. I did cut her off for five years."

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