The fuckening. When the day goes too well and some shit goes down

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Gleaming from her well stocked refrigerator, Lily swiped her hands on her maternity overalls that she scored down at the discount store. The adjustable straps did wonders on her back with its tightness bearing the weight of her belly. Ice cream was a must now that she was creeping into her third trimester. Bulking on healthy foods at the beginning of her pregnancy should count for something, Lily thought before scattering fat grubs to Hani. She felt wondrous strolling through the market this morning despite her hasty retreat last night.

In her panic, Lily had exhausted herself from pacing to packing her luggage. The realization of Gal's note had her prematurely making decisions. She wanted to jump on a plane and book it to New York just to know what the woman truly meant. She was reading between the lines with everything but had Gal really meant what she was thinking.

The better statement was in fact that Lily was considering dumping everything she had built in Melbourne and moving back to New York. Yes, she would have her little family in concrete jungle that would give their undying love to her twins. Hell, her aunts would steal her babies away every chance they get. Well, that's what they often did when she was a child.

Last night, Lily had dreamt of her white picket fence lifestyle with a beautiful plot twist. She languished in the smell of fresh pancakes in the morning surrounded by laughter and five more minute whispers. She dreamt of singing in the choir on Sundays before haggling the twins over to Maman's grave, where they would spend their lunch together. She indulged in surprise family picnics in Central Park, watching her little ones on the swing set. But she craved late nights where they'd be sharing ice cream on the granite countertops just to chase their sugary dreams.

Though all it was euphorically filling her heart, it was the fact that her hand was bunched up in MIT sweaters and Egyptian cotton. It was pillowy lips yearning and reaching for hers, every decadent moment. It was delicious cocoa pupils that was satisfying her sweet tooth. It was possessive touches and territorial markings that decorated her skin. It was enticing shoulder kisses and lazy dance recitals in private. And the utmost importance of it all was the fact that it was her unconditional love that wasn't only focused on Lily but the beautiful twins.

If that didn't have Lily running to her phone to call the hospital and put in her two weeks notice, then it was Hani that put a stop to it. Unfortunately, sugar gliders had heavy restrictions in the state of New York. Permits are required to have exotic pets but more so it takes months to obtain one, once it's approved. Then there's uprooting the little one because the city is nothing compared to Australia. Winters could be a disastrous change for her little flying squirrel. And on top of that, Hani needed a companion that Lily was considering in the next month. Sugar gliders were colony animals and having pairs was highly recommended for the sake of their sanity.

Also, Lily couldn't just spring the little one on Gal. Though she kind of told the woman that someone was waiting for her at home but her meaning was simply her little possum.

Either way she sees it, Lily was bringing four including herself to Gal's table and despite the legal challenges, Lily still without a doubt chose Gal.

And Tori's arrival couldn't be anymore of a blessing to help untangle her thoughts. Lily knew what her best friend would say and either way, her decision was to win back the love of her life before it's too late. She screwed her self over for five years and now, it was time. Time to lay all her cards down and accept herself and her overall mistakes. Manifesting the person she is now to who she was then had brought greater joy but nothing could amount to how she felt and who she was with Gal. She was just hoping that Gal would accept all her baggages.

All this thinking was making her babies hungry as they wait out the arrival of their favorite Aunt Tori. Though Lily didn't want to break hearts, Victoria Prescott would take that position in a heartbeat.

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