Pygalgia (n.) a pain in the ass, literally

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Tiptoeing through the immaculate bungalow like a scared deer wasn't her ideal night for staying in. Uncontrolled giggles erupted from her lips as tickling hands ran up her sides. The culprit was none other than her best friend as Lily felt Tori's hands slither on her ribs. Lily whipped around swiping the intoxicated bride that was full of mischief. She wished she had discarded the last bottle of wine and then maybe, Lily wouldn't have to suffer with these crazy drunks.

"Stop it! We'll get caught," Lily whisper shouts at she braces Tori's hands that was on her hips to keep the woman upright.

She was blasted. Completely plastered by the end of her fourth wine bottle, all thanks to three giggling old maids lurking behind them. And of course, Lily was tasked with getting the bride to be in her bed and the old women as their look outs.

Loud clambering echoed through the dark dwelling as Lily's heart stilled from the abrupt clash. Her eyes trailed towards the dull white pieces before she closed her eyes cursing her disastrous situation. She peered over her shoulder where the vase once was before Lily's neck snapped to a frozen Olivia and a tittering Vivienne. Her glare hardens from the mischievous women as her mother points towards the bride's mother. She growls for the sole purpose of getting all of them back to their respective abodes. Sometimes being pregnant was a curse.

"Why are we walking in the dark?" Regina blurts flipping the lights on.

Lily lost it standing straight up to scold the woman but was too tangled up with a capernoited Tori.

"There's no one here," Gina chortles, spinning until she plopped down on the loveseat.

"Oh, yes. Maya's bachelorette party!"

"That would've been so nice to know," Lily mutters at the mothers that smile innocently.

She wrapped her arms around her best friend, pointing at the older women, "let me know if anyone comes in. I'll take Tori up and tuck her in, then we'll go," Lily orders.

Her mother waves softly with her eyes closed as Regina attempted to salute her but ended up slapping her hand over her face. And Aunt Vivienne was just slumped over the armchair ordering her for water.

Lily stifled her giggles before shrugging both of Tori's arms over her shoulder and clasping onto her hands. At this point that's all she could do as the intoxicated woman mumbles into her back. She couldn't make out what her best friend was grumbling about as she dragged Tori to the master bedroom.

"I'm so mad at her. I'm livid, Lily," Tori slurs as her head lazily hangs over Lily's shoulder.

"Who are you mad at babes?" Lily questions curiously knowing this was all drunk words.

"Haven't you been listening?"

She gritted her teeth to stop herself from rolling her eyes. That little much hadn't changed since Gal and Lily could see the appeal of obedience. It was engrained in her and she carried that with her for all these years. But Tori was making it impossible for her to continue the streak especially when her hormones could flip through any emotion in a lick of a second.

"I'm completely pissed off about Gal," Tori slurs flailing her arm which left Lily lunging to catch the drunk woman in time. "You two were just everything in those romance novels you read about."

"But she has someone else," Lily mutters under her breath despite how Tori's words reopened that wound again. "An-and she seems happy," she adds to reassure Tori more than herself.

Tori whipped around in her arms before Lily could push her on the bed, "you know?"

Lily shrugs nonchalantly, "what did you think, I'd be angry? That she would wait for me to get my shit together? Thing is Riri, Gal's the absolute catch and I'm not surprised that she moved on. What we had, it was more than I could ask for but I ruined that. And...."

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