Episode 17: Shadows and Allegiances

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Dominic's POV

The door clicked shut behind Orsino, leaving me alone with the heavy drapes and the lingering scent of his cologne mixing with the musty aura of old books and leather. My fingers caressed the rim of the glass as my mind raced through scenarios, each more treacherous than the last. War was a brutish game of chess where kings and pawns bled just the same, I mused. I took a deep swig of the amber liquid, letting it burn a fiery trail down my throat before settling into a dull warmth in my belly.

I turned to face the vast room, its walls lined with shelves that reached towards the high, ornate ceiling. Each shelf was laden with tomes of every size and description, bound in skins of creatures both common and mythical. I had read many, but not all. Knowledge was power, and in a time like this, power was crucial to survival. Orlando and Marco were still standing behind me, until they both came around and sat in the chairs in front of me.

Before speaking, Marco took a moment to inhale deeply. "Boss, what's your plan? Orsino never leaves his hideout unless there's some truth to his words." He leaned back in his chair, arms draped behind his head. I knew he was right.

The glass made a soft clinking noise as I carefully placed it on the mahogany table, filling the library with its gentle echo. I rose from my seat and made my way to the bookshelves, running my fingers along the spines of each book as I passed. Each one was a trusted ally, a confidant, a weapon in our fight.

I searched through my jacket pocket and retrieved a cigar, then lit it up. As I exhaled the smoke in perfect rings, I couldn't help but think about how right Marco was. But what was my plan? I had no fucking idea. I made my way back to the desk and sat down, taking slow puffs from my cigar as I faced my most trusted associates: Orlando and Marco. When I finished, I tapped my ashes into the ashtray sitting on the table.

"I want constant surveillance on the Montanari family, starting with Cadenza. She thinks she can deceive me with this counterfeit painting scheme. I need to know everything about it. I have a feeling it's time for me to return to my old stomping grounds in Florence."

I was angry at the thought of someone tarnishing the beauty of the art that I cherish so much. Now, I'm starting to question if even the paintings I own are genuine.

Orlando nodded, a grim determination setting into his eyes. "We'll get on it right away, boss. Cadenza won't make a move without us knowing," he assured me, his voice as steady as his gaze.

I nodded my satisfaction, but inside, I felt the tension of a coiled spring. We needed to act fast; Orsino's words had set events into motion that we couldn't afford to ignore. If Orsino was bold enough to leave his hideout, then he was confident in his plan, and a confident man is twice as dangerous. I stood up, my leather chair groaning softly under the shift of weight. "And one more thing," I added, the embers of the cigar glowing brighter as I took one last drag. "Find out who Cadenza's been talking to. Anyone new in her circle, they could be a part of this. We need to cut this at the root."

Orlando was already jotting down notes, his brow furrowed in concentration. Marco remained silent, but there was an intensity in his eyes that spoke louder than words ever could. He was the muscle behind our operations, the man who could make problems disappear without a trace.

I crushed the cigar beneath my boot heel, feeling the satisfying crunch of the embers as they were extinguished. "Remember, discretion is of the utmost importance. We can't afford any more attention than we already have," I instructed, eyeing both men with a severity that left no room for misinterpretation.

Orlando gave a curt nod, closing his notebook with a snap. "Understood, boss. We'll keep it quiet."

I turned to Marco, who had remained as still as the statue of David. "Marco, I trust you'll handle any... complications that arise?"

"Like always, boss," Marco replied with a gravelly voice that rumbled with unspoken promises of efficiency and ruthlessness. There was no doubt in my mind about his capabilities; Marco had proven himself time and again, not just through his strength, but his unwavering loyalty. It was a valuable trait in our line of work, where betrayal lurked in every shadow and loyalty was often sold to the highest bidder.

Orlando spoke up, breaking the silence. "Boss," he said tentatively, "what about your lunch plans with that woman from earlier?" I paused for a moment, considering the implications. That meeting, seemingly innocuous and part of my civilian cover, could not be overlooked. Connections made outside our immediate circle could be as vital to unraveling this mess as the ones inside it.

"Keep it," I said, finally breaking the silence. "Just push it back by thirty minutes. I have her phone number; I'll give her a call and let her know we'll be running late. Pick her up and bring her to the Penthouse. I'll have the chef prepare something special for us. You guys should get some rest too; this week is going to be hectic."

I patted Marco on the shoulder before leaving the room. My orders were clear, now let the fun begin. My thoughts turned to Thalia; I couldn't wait to see her tomorrow. The desire to have her consumed me, but I knew patience was key. Getting to know her would be an enjoyable experience, and I looked forward to tasting that sweet pussy at last.

Dear Readers,

As we venture into Episode 17: "Shadows and Allegiances," prepare to be immersed in a world where the lines between loyalty and deception blur. Our story continues to thicken with intrigue as our central character faces the daunting challenge of navigating through a labyrinth of power plays and hidden agendas. In this episode, every conversation is laced with potential betrayal, and every alliance is fraught with hidden motives.

Witness the art of underworld strategy unfold, where trust is a rare commodity and the stakes are higher than ever. Join us in this riveting journey of cunning, strength, and the relentless pursuit of control in a realm where shadows whisper secrets and allegiances are as changeable as the wind. Get ready for an episode that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat, questioning every move and every player in this high-stakes game.

Warms Regards,

Zapphire Zucca

The Don's Young Love (The Don's of Italy Saga Book 1) Age Gap RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now