Episode 55: Betrayal of Trust Part 1

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It was well past midnight, and the lingering scent of scotch hung heavy in the air. I stumbled out of my office and made my way up the stairs to Thalia and mine bedroom. She was sound asleep, the only peaceful thing in this chaotic world. I quietly slipped into the bathroom adjoining our room, desperate to wash away the stench of alcohol that clung to me. As the hot water cascaded over my body, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as I thought of my loyal men working tirelessly in the dead of night while I drowned my sorrows in liquor.

I stepped out of the shower, toweling myself off, and crawled into bed next to my son to be wife. I wrapped an arm around her waist, and she nestled closer to me in her sleep. Her scent, a mix of cinnamon and vanilla, calmed my fraying nerves. I closed my eyes, but sleep wouldn't come. The thought of someone that I must really trust betraying me goes against Cosa Nostra.

Finally I shut my eyes and dozed off, knocked the fuck out. I let my body get relaxed. I was awoken by a loud banging on my door, and for a second, I thought it was all just part of a dream. My head was pounding with pain as I sat up in bed, Thalia still nestled against me. The knocking persisted, growing louder and more urgent.

"Boss, open the damn door! It's an emergency," Orlando's voice echoed through the room.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I yelled back, "Just come in."

I got up from the bed to freshen up in the bathroom while leaving my door slightly open so I could hear what Orlando had to say. "What do you want, Orlando? Talk to me," I shouted out.

"Boss, we need to get out of here. Esidore is gone and there's a lot we need to discuss. Meet Luca, Vesuvio, and I in the office. Oh, and Miss Thalia needs to hurry up and get dressed too," Orlando informed me with a nod.

I peeked my head around the corner. "Alright, let's go. Give me a few minutes; I'll dress and get Thalia ready while we talk," I said with a nod of agreement.

Orlando left the room after getting my confirmation. I quickly brushed my teeth and grabbed some clothes from my walk-in closet - not my usual designer suit, but practical black battle pants, a turtle neck, socks and boots. Once dressed, I headed back to the bedroom where Thalia was still sleeping. I gently woke her up.

"Sugar, please wake up," I kissed her neck until she stirred awake.

"What's wrong, Dom?" she asked with concern in her voice.

"I have to meet with Luca, Vesuvio, and Orlando in the office right now. They've informed me that something urgent has come up. There are some clothes for you in the closet; you have five minutes to get ready. Do you trust me, Sugar?" I asked her.

She looked at me with love in her eyes as I rubbed her baby bump. "Yes, Dom, I trust you. Go and talk to your men; I'll be dressed when you come back," she reassured me with a smile. I kissed her on the cheek, wishing things were different and that I could have left her back in New York.

But her safety was my top priority. "Good girl," I said with a wink before heading to my office to figure out what the hell was going on without Esidore around.

The office was a buzz with activity as Luca, Vesuvio, and Orlando were sifting through piles of paperwork. They all looked up when I entered the room.

"Boss, I-" Orlando began to say before I cut him off.

"Orlando, start from the beginning and tell me everything you know. Luca, Vesuvio, I want a full background check on Esidore's whereabouts for the past month and any unusual activities. I don't want any stone unturned, understood?"

I ordered, my voice cold and calculative."Yes, boss," they both replied in unison.

Orlando shifted uncomfortably before speaking, "When you gave us our tasks earlier, I went to do mine and Esidore was in the media room. Unbeknownst to him, I had the recording on, not because I expected to catch him doing something wrong, but because it was our protocol when working in that room. However, curiosity got the best of me and I decided to listen back. Standing by the door, out of sight from him, I eavesdropped and heard him mention Orsino's name. He instructed Orsino to remember to wire him $50 million and promised to send the address of our location once he received the money." Orlando's voice grew more agitated as he went on.

I couldn't believe it, my own friend betraying me like that. We've been together for over 20 years, just like Orlando, Luca and Vesuvio. Why would he turn his back on us? "What else did you hear?" I asked.

He took a deep breath before continuing, "Boss, he said not to attack until he gives Orsino the signal. Esidore hasn't been gone long, maybe an hour. So if he gives Orsino our location, depending on where Orsino is, we have about an hour or less to get out of here."

I nodded grimly. "Grab your guns and any necessary belongings. We need to meet in the truck with the recording. I'll go upstairs and get Thalia."

As Orlando left, I thought about how furious I was with Esidore's betrayal. But right now, my priority was getting my men and my woman out of this dangerous situation. When I find Esidore and Orsino, they'll both be dead.

I quickly made my way upstairs to where Thalia was waiting near the door with her battle clothes and handbag. She also had her phone with her. "Let's go," I said as we hurried outside to the Maybach where my men were already waiting - Vesuvio our driver, and Orlando about to join him up front, and Luca in the back seat.

As the Maybach roared to life, Vesuvio glanced at me through the rearview mirror. "Where are we headed, boss?" he asked, waiting for my instructions. I hesitated before responding, feeling all eyes on me.

My mind churned with betrayal and determination. Esidore's treachery had shattered the trust of everyone in our organization, including the three men who had fought bravely by my side: Orlando, Luca, and Vesuvio. My father always taught me not to trust anyone except Orlando, whom I grew up with and knows me better than anyone. He knows that I will stop at nothing to destroy those who have wronged me, especially Esidore.

"Just start driving," I finally said, my voice edged with resolve. "Get us out of here for now." Vesuvio nodded in understanding and obeyed my command. I would tell him our destination soon enough; for now, I just needed to get away from this place that was once a haven for me. When I finally get my hands on Esidore, there will be hell to pay.

Reader's Note,

Prepare for a journey of betrayal, loyalty, and vengeance. As tensions rise and trust shatters, our protagonist navigates a dangerous path towards retribution. Stay on the edge of your seat as the stakes escalate in this gripping tale.

Happy Reading!


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