Episode 45: Dominic's Wrath Part 2

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Dominic's POV

God damn it! With all this wait, they better bring him back alive for me to have my fill of his pitiful cries.

"Boss," Penelope's voice interrupts my musings again through the intercom. "Orlando and Marco are on their way to Italy."

A harsh laugh escapes me. Sure as hell they won't be expecting what's coming for them.

"Good," I respond curtly before disconnecting the intercom.

My mind starts to dance with images of Gabriele's fear-stricken face; his eyes wide and pleading for mercy that I won't give. The thought brings a sadistic smile to my face. The longer this wait drags on, the more I feel my anticipation growing like a wild beast within me.

I am so consumed with thoughts of Thalia, I didn't even hear my intercom again.

"Boss, sorry to disturb you again, but I have something to tell you." she answered.

"What now?" I snarl, my patience wearing thin.

"Penelope," I growl into the intercom, "this better be good."

"I...I think you're going to want to hear this," she stammers out nervously, and I can hear the tremor in her voice. It's music to my ears. Fear is a perfume that always incites my dark instincts.

"Spit it out, girl," I order, not sparing any warmth in my tone. The resounding silence that follows is nerve-wracking, though I don't show it on my face.

Her words almost make me want to laugh. "Your ex-wife is calling and she sounds furious," my secretary informs me.

I can't help but smile in a sinister manner. "Transfer the call and hold all other calls, unless it's Miss Thalia. Understood?" I ask.

"Yes, Boss! Hold all calls except for Miss Thalia." She responds with excitement in her voice.

I let out a frustrated grunt as I hang up the call, feeling a surge of anticipation building within me like a coiled snake. My hand hovers over the phone before pressing line 1. What does my ex-wife want now? Probably another headache.

"Antonella, to what do I owe this pleasure?" I ask sarcastically, knowing she hates when I make jokes.

"Dominic Romano," she screeches through the phone. "You idiot, why didn't you tell me our daughter was three months pregnant? Slap me right now."

This woman is always a pain in the ass. "Antonella, it wasn't my responsibility to tell you. It was Micola's story, not mine. She's an adult and knows right from wrong. So no, I wasn't going to blab until Micola was ready."

"Screw you, Dominic. You were a terrible husband and father. You piece of shit. And I heard you and that black bitch you're having an affair with are expecting a baby. Disgusting. She's the same age as our daughter." She shouts into the phone.

I snap back at Antonella, my tone harsh and unyielding. The sound of her voice fills me with anger. "I've already said this, our daughter is more than capable of making her own decisions. It's none of your business who I sleep with. You're just mad because I'm no longer sleeping with you and you can't have this dick again." I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself before continuing, "Now, if you have something important to say, say it or let me get back to my work."

"Get off your high horse, Antonella. Or do you need a spanking to remind you of your place?" I smirk to myself. That's sure to get under her skin.

Before she can shoot back another insult, I cut the line, deciding I've had enough of her nonsense for one day. Satisfaction washes over me as I imagine her fuming on the other end. The silence in my office is a welcome respite from the absolute shitstorm that was our conversation.

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