Episode 38: Double-Crossed: Cadenza's Desperate Plea

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Cadenza's POV

Dom! Dom! You idiotic assholes, let me the hell out of here! I was beyond furious. These idiots had thrown me in this goddamn jail cell without a single morsel of food or drop of water. What the hell is wrong with them? ! I thought. Then it hit me. I know damn well they haven't found the money from the paintings yet.

I cursed myself for making such a foolish mistake - stealing from these mafia bosses was never a smart move, especially knowing they had no mercy for anyone. Perhaps I can charm Dominic into releasing me. I restlessly walked back and forth in my small jail cell, hoping for some sort of communication with someone.

Suddenly, the heavy metal door creaked open, and a guard appeared. "Boss says you're to come with me." He approached the cell and inserted a large key into the lock, giving it a turn. With a satisfying click, the door swung open and the guard gestured for me to step out.

We walked towards a long, dimly lit corridor and gestured for me to follow. My heart was pounding faster than ever. I had no idea what to expect from this meeting with Dominic, but I knew I was about to find out.

Cautiously, we entered a cavernous room where Dominic was sitting on his ebony desk, feet propped up and smoking a cigar as usual. He exhaled a thick plume of smoke into the air before speaking, "Ah Cadenza, so glad you could join us. I trust you've been..." he paused, scanning me up and down, "...reflecting on your...mistakes?"

I gulped. Better play this smartly or else I'm done for. "Well, Dom, believe me when I say I didn't mean no disrespect. It was just a one-time thing, honestly! I swear it won't happen again." I said as I knelt down in front of him.

Dominic's eyes narrowed, "Cut the bullshit, Cadenza. I know you're smarter than that. You stole from us, and now you've pissed off the wrong people." He took a long drag of his cigar before continuing, "You have two options - either tell me where you've stashed the money from those paintings, or I'll make sure your last days on this earth are the most painful imaginable."

Fear crawled up my spine. I knew this day would come, and I was unprepared. I had to think of something, fast. "Dom, you've known me for years. You know I'd never disrespect the family like that! I swear on my mother's grave, I don't know what you're talking about."

Dominic smirked, not buying my act for a second. "I've been patient with you, Cadenza, but your time's up. I'll give you one more chance to come clean before I start taking things...personally."

The guard behind me grabbed my arms, twisting them behind my back. I winced in pain as he tightened his grip, all the while keeping his impassive expression intact. I couldn't take the pressure any longer and blurted out my confession, "It's in a bank in Germany. I swear that's where it is." My words stumbled out, one after the other, as I struggled to get them all out before being overcome by nerves again.

Dominic chuckled, "I knew you'd see it my way eventually." He snapped his fingers and the guard let go of me. "You have 48 hours to get the money back here, or we'll be discussing this again...with more...incentive."

I staggered to my feet, my legs shaking like jelly. I couldn't believe I had just doomed myself. I had to figure out a way out of this mess, and fast. Stealing from the mafia was one thing, but double-crossing them? That was a death sentence. As I walked out of the warehouse, I knew there was only one person who could help me now - my old partner-in-crime, Luna.

She owed me a favor, and now was the time to cash it in. I just hoped she'd be willing to help me...or else, this would be my last con. Luna's apartment was in the seedier part of town, a place where the sun never seemed to reach. The building itself was a crumbling relic of another era, its once-grand facade now covered in graffiti and stains. I knocked on her door three times, followed by two quick ones, our secret knock.

The door creaked open and there she stood, cigarette dangling from her lips, same as always. Her eyes widened when she saw me, "Cadenza? I thought you were..."

"Dead? Yeah, me too," I said, brushing past her and entering the a fragrant cloud of smoke. "We need to talk."

Luna slammed the door shut and shot a paranoid glance over her shoulder. "This better be good," she said, as she grabs a pistol from the top shelf of her bookcase. This was going to be a long night.

Dear Readers,

In this chapter, we delve into the depths of Cadenza's predicament as he finds himself trapped between the jaws of the mafia. Facing the consequences of his actions, Cadenza must navigate treacherous waters, relying on wit and old alliances to survive.

The tension mounts as he confronts Dominic, the stakes higher than ever before. As the story unfolds, expect twists, turns, and unexpected alliances in this gripping tale of betrayal and redemption.

Stay tuned for the next installment as Cadenza's journey takes an even more perilous turn.

Happy reading!

Zapphire Zucca

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