Episode 28:The Don's Decree

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Dominic's POV

"Dominic Romano, you pathetic waste of space. What gives you the audacity to set foot in my restaurant?" The words spit out of the older man's mouth like venom, his face twisted in disgust at the sight of me. I could feel the anger and resentment bubbling up inside me as I glared back at him. Rolando Pesci, that arrogant bastard, strutted towards our table with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. And behind him, the young fool Gabriele trailed like a lost puppy, both of them equally ignorant and repulsive.

I forced myself to remain calm, not wanting to stoop to their level. My heart pounded in my chest as I took in their arrogant stances and the flashy jewelry that adorned their hands. The aroma of garlic, oregano, and basil wafted through the air, making my mouth water despite the tension.

I rose from my seat at the table and positioned myself in front of Rolando and his protégé, Gabriele. My trusted men, Orlando and Luca, stood behind me as a silent reminder of my authority. "Rolando, you piece of shit. Does this young excuse for a man belong to your pathetic entourage? If so, you better teach him some respect when addressing the don of this territory." I growled, my voice heavy with contempt as I loomed over him.

In a display of dominance, I extended my hand for him to kiss my don ring, asserting my superiority to everyone in the room. These fools should already know that without me, his insignificant restaurant would crumble to dust. Rolando dipped his head, his lips grazing the ring that adorned my pinky finger, a gesture of feigned respect. Yet, beneath the facade, a fierce loathing blazed in his eyes, a silent testament to the disdain he mustered, questioning the very essence of

His refusal only served to embolden me further. He snarled and pulled away abruptly, causing Gabriele to cower in fear. "You think you can just walk into my establishment and take what you want?" He asked, his voice strained with rage.

A dark chuckle escaped my lips as I found his attempt at bravery amusing. "I don't think, I know," I responded calmly. "Have you forgotten who the fuck I am, Rolando? My family and I are in charge of this territory, and let me remind you that you pay us for protection. Am I mistaken?" I asked him pointedly, making sure he understood the power dynamic between us. He was clearly losing his motherfucking mind.

I lowered my voice and leaned closer to the table, making it clear that I wasn't happy with his disrespect. "You've been disrespectful before, and I suggest you think carefully about where your loyalty lies before I have to remind you again," I warned, shooting a dangerous glare at him and Gabriele.

The tension in the air was palpable, and I could feel Orlando and Luca tensing behind me, ready to intervene if necessary. As the atmosphere grew more tense, the other diners began to shrink into their seats or hurry through their meals to avoid getting caught up in any potential conflict.

Eventually, Orlando stepped up beside me and delivered a swift slap across Rolando's face, leaving a bright red handprint. "Tsk." He spoke in a low voice, "You're lucky he's feeling generous today, or you might find yourself swimming with the fishes."

My body is pulsing with adrenaline as I make my way back to my seat, Luca eagerly pulling out the chair for me with a sense of urgency. I take my place and immediately grab Thalia's hand, pressing a slow and possessive kiss to the back of it. Despite her obvious nerves, I wanted to reassure her that she didn't need to be afraid; I was here to keep her safe. Turning towards her, I ask gently, "How are you holding up, Sugar Pie?"

She glances up at me, her eyes wide with fear and confusion but she manages a small smile. "I'm fine, Dom," She answers softly. Her fingers lace through mine as she squeezes them gently in response, trying to convey her gratitude for me stepping in and protecting her from Gabriele's verbal behavior. Finally a waiter comes to our table with a bottle of wine, and I signal for him to pour us both a glass.

I hope the vintage I chose will help calm Thalia's nerves. Once she seems settled, I turn my attention back to Rolando and his minion Gabriele. They both look annoyed, but I'm in no rush. After all, I am the Don - the boss - and everyone here knows it. Thalia pulls away from me and crosses her arms over her chest, preparing herself for what's about to happen. I give her a reassuring nod before turning back to these two assholes.

I lean back in my chair, exuding an air of calm confidence as I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out a cigar, lighting it effortlessly. Taking a few long draws, I gesture for Orlando to bring Rolando and Gabriele closer to me. When they are within earshot, I lower my voice to a dangerous whisper. "Luca, clear out everyone in this room immediately. Pay for their meals and give each person 1000 dollars cash for their inconvenience. Understood?"

Luca obediently bends down so I can speak directly into his ear. "Yes, boss," he replies without hesitation. A surge of power rushes through me as I watch Luca follow my orders without question. This is what true control feels like - absolute authority over those around me. And as Luca walks away to carry out my command, a sinister smile spreads across my face. This is only the beginning of what's to come for Rolando and Gabriele.

Dear Readers,

Hold onto your seats, because 'The Don's Decree' is going to take you on a whirlwind ride through the heart of power, loyalty, and betrayal. As Dominic Romano faces off against Rolando and Gabriele in a showdown that's been brewing with tension, one can't help but wonder: What does the Don have in store for them? With the restaurant emptied and the air thick with anticipation, Dominic's next move is shrouded in mystery and promises to leave a lasting impact.

Will Rolando and Gabriele manage to navigate the dangerous waters of Dominic's wrath, or will they find themselves outplayed in a game they're barely equipped to participate in? Get ready for an episode filled with suspense, dramatic power plays, and the undeniable charm of a leader who knows no bounds when protecting his territory and asserting his dominance. You won't want to miss what comes next!

Happy Reading,


The Don's Young Love (The Don's of Italy Saga Book 1) Age Gap RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now