Episode 40: Loyalties Tested: The Romano Retaliation

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Dominic's POV

Micola's face twisted into a frown when I told her that Thalia and I were expecting a baby, but then she looked up with tears in her eyes, a mixture of shock and disappointment written on her face.

"Dad, are you absolutely sure this is what you want? Bringing a baby into this world with a woman like Thalia? She's young, and not to mention black." Micola's words hissed out, causing me to cringe.

I never liked hearing that kind of talk from anyone, especially my own daughter. It reminded me too much of her mother's prejudices. Little did Micola know, I have always been attracted to black women.

"I love Thalia, Micola. She's not like your mother. I thought you and Thalia were close, but I must have been mistaken. She may be younger than me, but her heart is pure gold. I believe that once you acknowledge our relationship with her and me, it'll all make sense. I hope it doesn't affect the friendship you two had before I entered the picture." I added, trying to sound reassuring.

Micola's face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to sound so judgmental. I'm just in shock. I honestly don't know what to think right now. We can talk about Thalia and the baby later. Right now, I need to focus on this" - she motioned to her stomach - "and how I'm going to tell Mom and Gabriele. I wish I could just crawl into a hole and disappear."

"Hey, hey. Take it easy, Micola. We're here for you. We'll figure this out together. We're a family, remember?" I hugged her close, letting her cry into my shoulder. "I know it's a lot to take in, but we'll get through this. And you know how persistent Thalia is. She won't let you stay mad at us for long. You guys good friends after all." I kissed her forehead, wiping away the stray tears with my pinky.

"We'll tell your mother together when you're ready. And as for Gabriele, you can break the news of your pregnancy to him yourself. I have no desire to even speak to that guy." I declared, meeting Micola's gaze. She pulled away from me and reached for a tissue to wipe her eyes. "I hope you..." I trailed off, not sure what else there was to say.

"What, Dad?" Micola asked, her eyes red-rimmed but no more tears fell.

I reassured her, "Just know that I'll always be here for you and I love you no matter what." I held her close, squeezing my eyes shut as I said, "Things will get better, sweetheart."

Drying her tears, she replied, "I love you too, Dad. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused."

I ran my fingers through her hair in a soothing manner and replied, "Don't apologize, that's what fathers are for. You're my little girl and I would do anything for you."

"Now, let's order some food and make plans for tomorrow. You need to eat something and rest. We'll figure this out together, I promise."

Wiping her nose and eyes, Micola nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Dad. I love you."

As we settled down to order dinner and discuss our next steps, a sense of relief washed over me. There were still challenges ahead, but we were in this together. I was about to become a grandfather and a father again. It's funny how age doesn't matter when it comes to love.

The news of Micola's pregnancy may have been a shock, but we would face it as a family, just like we always had faced our issues. We were resilient, and together, we would weather any storm that came our way.

Micola dozed off, I carefully lifted her in my arms and carried her to her bedroom, just like old times. I gently placed her under the covers and made sure she was comfortable before kissing her forehead goodnight.

I rose from my seat and gazed down at my daughter, now with a baby of her own on the way. I adore my family. With Thalia carrying our child, I am confident that my love will extend just as strongly to the baby as it does to Micola.

I turned off the light in her room before quietly exiting, leaving the door slightly ajar. As I made my way towards the front door, I flicked on the light over her stove. I stepped out of her apartment and made my way to the waiting town car.

I had a task at hand: to track the money. Cadenza probably thought that by letting her go, I was trusting her deceitful nature. But she was in for a rude awakening. As I approached the car, Orlando opened the door for me and I slid into the backseat.

"Take me to my office," I instructed, my jaw clenched in determination. I knew this meant all-out war with Cadenza but I would do anything for my family. This was no longer just business. It was personal.

Orlando joined me in the back seat. "Boss, what's on your mind?" he asked.

My voice was low and menacing as I spoke. "It's time to make Cadenza regret ever crossing the Romano family." My eyes were like steel, cold and unyielding. "Use every resource we have to track her down. Find out where she spends her time and who she trusts. Let her know that messing with us is dangerous business." I made sure to emphasize the importance of this task to Orlando.

"And this time, make sure our men follow through on their orders. We need them to gather information for me. This bitch claims the money is in a bank in Germany, but I want it found." My anger boiled over at the thought of someone trying to betray me. "And keep an eye on my paintings being sold on the black web; I want to know who's buying them."

Orlando nodded, fully aware of the seriousness of the situation. As our car drove away from the curb, I focused all my energy on taking down Cadenza and anyone else foolish enough to cross me. Yes, I let her go, but she was going to lead us right to where the money is exactly.

Although it may be difficult for me to retrieve my paintings, I am determined to not just passively accept this situation. I will take action and fight for what is rightfully mine. The night air was thick with tension as the car sped through the streets. The Romano family didn't take betrayal lightly, and Cadenza was about to learn that the hard way.

Dear Readers,

Loyalties Tested: The Romano Retaliation" invites you into a world of intricate family dynamics, where loyalty is paramount and betrayal cuts deep. Join the Romano family as they navigate the complexities of love, trust, and revenge in the face of adversity. Prepare for a gripping tale of resilience, determination, and the unbreakable bonds that tie us together.

Happy reading!

Zapphire Zucca

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