Episode 35: The Calm Before the Storm

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Cadenza's POV

The night was thick with a biting chill, but my crew and I were on a mission. We had come to steal Dominic Romano's prized paintings, replacing them with our own expertly crafted counterfeits. It had been four long weeks since my family's ball, and I still seethed with hatred towards that bastard Dominic. From that moment on, all I could think of was getting revenge on him. But instead of being by my side, he chose to be with that young black woman, her presence like a blade in my gut. I warned Dom not to cross me, but he just had to learn his lesson the hard way.

I seethed with rage as we loaded the trucks with the stolen paintings. "Miss Montanari, all of the paintings are loaded onto the trucks. What would you like us to do now?" Fredo, one of my new men who I used my charm on to get what I wanted, asked me.

"Tell Ariosto, Curzio, and Alfeo to start hanging up the fake ones in place of the real ones. And hurry up. We can't risk being caught here," I said in a hushed tone. Tonight, my father is meeting with the Don of the Garibaldi family. We'll sell these original paintings for millions while replacing them with our counterfeits in Dominic's gallery.

A few hours later, the switch was complete. I looked at the new paintings hanging on the walls, smirking at my handiwork. "Move out, everyone", I commanded.

In the dead of night, we left Romano's gallery as silently as we had come, with his precious paintings securely stashed away in the trucks. I couldn't help but giggle, picturing the expression on his face when he realized he'd been bested by me, Cadenza Montanari.

The next day, the newspapers were ablaze with the news of the heist. The priceless paintings had been stolen from the infamous Romano Gallery, replaced with expert forgeries. Of course, there were no leads, and my men were already far away from Italy. I had finally embraced my role as the queen of destruction, and I wasn't going to let anyone stand in my way. Dominic, bless his heart, wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. He spent more time in Italy than at the gallery these days. That idiot was off at the University, trying to recruit an intern for his art program. He really wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

As for me, I was counting down the days until my men brought the money from the sale of the paintings. I looked out from the balcony of my penthouse in downtown Florence, Italy, savoring my morning espresso. A life of opulence and relaxation lay before me. I stood there, my phone began to ring. I quickly walked back into the penthouse to answer it. "Hello? Who is this?" I asked curiously.

"Cadenza, get to our house now! What did you do?" My father's voice boomed through the phone as soon as I answered. He sounded angry and worried at the same time.

"Father? What's going on?" I asked, my confident demeanor slipping a little. "Why are you so upset?"

My father's voice boomed angrily, "Were you behind the missing Romano pictures? Don't even think about lying to me, Cadenza." I could tell he was furious, but I didn't care. This whole situation with the confectionery business was just up my alley.

I had been involved in the project since its inception, and now that I was no longer a part of it, I could finally relax and have fun. My father was not pleased with my current state. "Father, what's your opinion?" I questioned him.

He sighed, "This is going to be bad for us, but more importantly, it's going to be bad for you. Dominic is coming here, and he's not happy. I need you here, now!" My father hung up the phone before I could respond.

Damn it! Dominic was like that annoying little fly that wouldn't go away. He was the thorn in my side, always trying to prove himself. Well, two can play at that game, I thought to myself as I grabbed my purse and left for our mansion in Amalfi. I had to ensure that all traces of my involvement were gone before he arrived. As the Ferrari sped along the windy roads of the Amalfi Coast, I dialed my men to ensure that they had transferred the money as instructed.

"Everything has been taken care of, boss. The money is in the Cayman Islands account, just as you requested," a deep voice responded.

"Good, burn all the evidence and make it look like it was an accident," I ordered coldly before hanging up.

As I drove towards the mansion, I noticed three town cars parked in front. They were most likely there for one person: Don Dominic Romano, the man who shattered my heart. I parked the car and walked towards the mansion, a confident smirk plastered on my face.

"Father, you know better than to call me in the middle of the day," I purred, feigning innocence as I entered the main hall.

My father's voice broke through the tense silence as he addressed me, "Cadenza, there is something we need to discuss." But before he could finish his thought, Don Dominic Romano emerged from the shadows, accompanied by five of his men. His piercing blue eyes were now a menacing shade of green. He looked incredibly intimidating.

"Cadenza, there's a lot we need to discuss," he said coldly. "In private."

My heart raced, but I refused to show any sign of weakness."Of course, Don Romano, let's talk," I said, as I led him to the study. The tension between us was palpable, and I knew that this conversation would change everything.

Dear Readers,

As the pieces of Cadenza's elaborate plan fall into place, a deceptive calm settles over the scene, masking the impending storm of consequences and confrontations. Join us in this episode as tensions simmer beneath the surface, setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation between Cadenza and the formidable Don Dominic Romano.

Brace yourselves for the calm before the storm, where every quiet moment foreshadows the tumultuous events to come.

Happy Reading,

Zapphire Zucca

The Don's Young Love (The Don's of Italy Saga Book 1) Age Gap RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now