Episode 36: Beneath the Surface of Betrayal

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Dominic's POV

This deceitful woman must believe I am nothing but a naive fool. Does she not understand who I am and what I am capable of? With a steely determination, I lead my trusted right-hand man, Orlando, into her father's opulent study while keeping a watchful eye on the rest of her family from afar.

My men are stationed outside, ready to intervene at any sign of treachery from the Montanari clan. I have no trust or respect for them, and Cadenza's delusions that I desire her only fuel my anger. To make matters worse, someone dared to steal valuable paintings from my own gallery, and all evidence points to Cadenza's involvement. If she played any part in this betrayal, she will pay with her life. I trail behind Cadenza and her father, Luciano, as they lead me into his study.

As we enter the study, I notice several folders and piles of documents scattered around the room. I gesture for Orlando to search through them quietly as I settle onto the comfortable sofa opposite both Cadenza and her father, who are sitting together on one side. I snatch a cigar from my jacket pocket, hastily lighting it as I struggle to maintain a blank expression on my face. These two have me utterly screwed!

Cadenza seems to be enjoying this, a smug little smirk playing at the corner of her lips as if she's silently telling me to go to hell. But what this conniving bitch doesn't realize is that I know she's the one who stole my prized paintings from my gallery and replaced them with cheap imitations. Oh, how I will make her pay for such bullshit.Just you wait, Cadenza, I say to myself as i give that bitch a wink and a smirk of my own.

Letting her know that she hasn't got away with nothing. I make a mental note to get revenge on Cadenza for her lies. I give her a sly wink and smirk, making sure she knows that she hasn't gotten away with anything.

"Well, now that we're all settled, I believe we have some unfinished business to discuss," Luciano starts, his voice like a snake slithering through the room. "You see, Don Dominic..."

"Ah, Luciano, let's not beat around the bush," I cut in, blowing a cloud of smoke into the air. I let out a low, menacing growl as I stare at both of them. "Your daughter believes she has successfully stolen my prize paintings."

I pause, letting my words sink in. "But we both know that's not true, don't we Cadenza?"

Luciano and Cadenza exchange alarmed glances before quickly regaining their composure. Luciano clears his throat uncomfortably, while Cadenza maintains her defiant facade. "I don't know what you're talki—"

I don't give her a chance to finish. "Don't you dare insult my intelligence, you little tramp!" I roar, slamming my fist down on the arm of the couch, causing the room to tremble along with their souls. "I know it was you who replaced my originals with those pathetic fakes!"

Luciano, visibly shaken, interjects, "Now, now, Don Dominic, we wouldn't want to get too ahead of ourselves—"

"Shut your mouth, old man!" I snarl, turning my wrath on him. "You're just as much involved in this as she is!" I jab my finger at Cadenza, my anger bubbling up and spilling over. "You're pathetic," I seethe, voice dripping with venom. "Jealous because I rejected you at the ball? And now you're trying to steal from me under the guise of 'Cadenza'? Don't make me laugh," I sneer, my face twisted into a menacing smirk. "Is it because I won't let you ride my dick again? Is that what this is all about? No one steals from me and gets away with it."

The room descends into an uncomfortable silence, the air thick with tension. Cadenza's eyes widen as realization dawns on her. She opens her mouth to deny it, but Luciano places a restraining hand on her arm.

"Alright, alright," he mutters, "you win, Don Dominic. You've caught us red-handed." He shoots his daughter a withering look before turning back to me. "The artwork is currently stored at our warehouse located on the outskirts of Florence. You can have them back, on one condition..."

My eyebrows shoot up as I lean forward, intrigued. "And what might that be?" I ask, savoring the upper hand. Luciano gulps, hesitating for a moment before he speaks.

"You leave Cadenza alone. Forever. This whole charade she's been playing has gone far enough. I want you to let her go, and I mean it."

I lean back in my chair, interlocking my fingers under my chin as I consider his twisted proposal. A moment passes before a roar of laughter escapes my lips, devoid of any trace of humor.

"You two must think I'm the biggest idiot on this goddamn planet. We're sitting in your lavish mansion, you imbecile. Your conniving daughter sold my prized paintings on the fucking black market. Say it isn't so, Cadenza." My rage boils over, pulsing through every inch of my body. How dare he defend her after what she's done?

"You think I'd ever let her go? After all the planning, the scheming, the time and effort I've put into this?" I cackle, standing up from my chair. "Careful, Luciano," I growl.

A surge of hot, blinding rage courses through me as I stare at Cadenza's smug face. Every fiber of my being screams for revenge, to end her and Luciano once and for all. The intense betrayal and humiliation burns like acid in my veins, fueling the fire within me until it becomes an uncontrollable inferno. I can feel my grip on reality slipping as I contemplate ending their lives right then and there.

Luciano's face pales at the murderous look in my eyes, but it only serves to stoke the flames of my fury even higher. As I opened my mouth to speak, a notification from my significant other appeared on my phone.

Thalia: "Please call me Dom, it's urgent. I need to talk to you."

Dominic: "I'm in the middle of something, but I'll call you in 10 minutes, babe."

Thalia: "Okay, talk to you soon."

I turned to Orlando, my right hand man who had been observing the conversation quietly. "Take these two and escort them to the SUV. Make sure they are both tied up securely. And tell Luca to put Luciano in the other SUV. I have some... pressing matters that require my attention."

"Consider it done, boss."

Orlando nodded and roughly grabbed Luciano's arm, dragging him out of the room, while I remained seated, staring at Cadenza with a cold, detached gaze. She may have thought she had won, but little did she know that this was far from over.

Dear Readers,

In this intense episode, the intricate web of deceit woven by Cadenza Montanari begins to unravel, revealing the raw emotions and simmering tensions lying just beneath the surface. As Dominic Romano confronts Cadenza and her father, Luciano, about the stolen paintings, betrayal hangs heavy in the air, threatening to shatter alliances and destroy lives.

Join us as the stakes reach new heights and the true extent of betrayal is laid bare, leaving our characters teetering on the edge of disaster.

Happy Reading,

Zapphire Zucca"

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