Episode 54: The enemy

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A sly smile creeps across my face as I contemplate the success of my plan to eliminate Dominic Romano and his associates while they're in Italy. He must be foolish if he thought I wouldn't discover their location here. It's almost too perfect. Thank God for the surveillance devices planted by Ameriko.

How could Dominic have been so careless? He knows that I am always one step ahead, and can predict his every move. He traveled to Italy with the intention of killing me, but little does he realize that his ex-wife is now my current wife and I am privy to all of their past secrets. I turn to look at her lying next to me. She is stunningly beautiful; she should have been mine from the beginning, but she fell for that weakling Dominic. But now she's back in my arms where she belongs.

As she turns over, her big blue eyes pop open. She should never have been with him; she should have always been with me. I've been waiting for this moment for over 22 years, and it's finally time to take revenge on that motherfucker for stealing the love of my life and taking care of my daughter. I am so glad Micola now know that I am her biological father. When Dominic finds out that he has been providing for a child that isn't even his. Damn this will be good.

"Orsino, are you okay?" she asks, moving closer to me.

Holding her tight in my arms feels like returning to my true home. From the moment I met her, I have loved her deeply and that love has never diminished. She has given me the greatest gift by bringing our child into this world. Micola is and always will be mine, and Dominic cannot take that away from me. He may have tried to take everything else, but I was able to gather all of the pieces back together.

Now wait until he find out that the child he thought was his all these years is really mine. The look on his face, will be fucking priceless. I can't wait to see it, and I will see it because I have eyes and ears everywhere. This time onwards, Don Dominic Romano will regret the day he ever double-crossed me, Orsino Corsetti.

As Antonella rolls over and drifts back to sleep, I gaze out the window and bask in the moonlight filtering through. I can hardly contain my anticipation for tomorrow's festivities with Dominic. With my woman in my arms now, I lay my head on my pillow and let myself relax. Our daughter is having a baby, and I am overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a grandfather. Eventually, I close my eyes and sink into a peaceful slumber.

The next morning I got dressed and went down stairs to my office. As the sun began to rise on this new day, I had woken up with a renewed sense of purpose. Today was the day I would kill Don Dominic Romano.The man who had betrayed me 22 years before and taken away the love of my life. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, fueling my determination. I stand waiting on my two men to come in and update me with intel on Dominic and his crew.

The long-awaited update finally arrived, and my phone vibrated in my hand. I eagerly picked it up and read the text from Geovanni: "Boss Don Dominic is missing without a trace. It's as if they have disappeared into thin air."

My heart pounded as I read the message. It couldn't be happening at this moment, not when I was so close to exacting revenge on him. I struggled to process the words from Geovanni: "Missing? How did he suddenly disappear?" Rather than responding through text, I decided to give him a call on the phone. But there was no time for niceties; I had to make my point clear.

"Geovanni, what the hell is going on? Dominic has disappeared just like that. Hadn't they arrived at the villa only a few hours ago? What happened?" I yelled into the phone. "I don't want any excuses from you or Amilcore; get your asses to my office right now." Without waiting for a response, I slammed the phone down, seething with anger.

A few minutes later, there was a timid knock at my door, and in walked Geovanni and Amilcore, looking like they had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "Boss, we swear, we have no idea how this happened. We've got our men looking everywhere, but there's no trace of them," Geovanni stuttered.

"Well, you better find them! This is not the time for mistakes!" I roared, slamming my fist on the desk. As I paced the room, deep in thought, I realized I had to think like Dominic. Where would I hide if I were in his shoes? Suddenly, an idea lit up my mind. "Amilcore, check out the old warehouse by the docks. He's too cocky to go far from his turf. And Geovanni, I want you to question every single one of his known associates," I barked out orders.

With their tails between their legs, my men left my office to carry out my orders. I couldn't help but think about the last time met with Dominic. Sharing the news about Cadenza and her family's art heist from my museums was a dramatic moment. It was my greatest performance yet, and I couldn't help but feel satisfied as I watched his face fall at the revelation.

But that satisfaction will pale in comparison when he discovers that his daughter is actually my biological child, and she knows the truth. I am determined to take everything away from that despicable son-of-bitch. He will soon realize who his true enemies are, not just me. Even those in his inner circle have betrayed him for mere cash. How pitiful for him.

While lost in thought, my phone rang from an unfamiliar number. I answered angrily, "Who the hell is this and how did you get my number?"

"Don't play dumb, Orsino. It's me, Esidore. I can't talk long because Dominic has me busy doing a check on the new recruits. I'll send you the address of our new location. Don't forget to wire me $50 million so I can make my escape tonight. And remember, don't attack until I give the signal. Is that clear?" Esidore shouted through the phone before abruptly hanging up.

I smirked. Finally, the pieces were falling into place. My cherished wife, Antonella, the one I love most in this world, is finally back in my arms. Dominic's empire crumbling, and the artwork back where it belonged. Soon, very soon, everything will be mine.

Reader's Note

Get ready for intense twists and high-stakes drama! As we near the end of the story, the tension escalates. How will things unfold? Who will come out on top in this dangerous game? Stay tuned to find out!

Happy reading,


The Don's Young Love (The Don's of Italy Saga Book 1) Age Gap RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now