Episode 61: The Final Reckoning

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My heart begins to beat faster as we approach the warehouse. "Boss," Capo Achille's voice chimes in through the earpiece, "my men and I have taken our positions and are ready to move when you give the word." I give him the signal to move into position. As we drive up to the warehouse, I can see Capo Achille and his men blending into the shadows. This is it - tonight, we take our power back.

Staring at the warehouse, a taste of blood and power fills my mouth. The anticipation makes my heart pound like a drum against my chest. "Alright, gentlemen," I growl into the mic, "we move on three." My fingers curl around the handle of the Glock tucked into my waistband, cold and reassuring.

"One," I mutter, feeling their tension echo mine. We are a pack of wolves ready to descend on their prey. "Two," my voice steady, yet full of predatory excitement. The thrill of the hunt completely takes over me, my instincts honed to perfection by years of brutal training and survival. And then...


We're out of the vehicles before the echoes of my word die down. My men fall into place behind me as we silently approach our target. The scent of rust, oil and menace fills the air as we inch closer to the warehouse. The moon hangs high above, casting an eerie glow on the deserted streets. Shadows dance around us, playing tricks on our eyes. I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus. This is what we were born to do – to chase down the darkness that preys on the innocent.

Orsino and Esidore won't know what hit them tonight. We creep up to the side of the warehouse, Aad already in position on the rooftop, Meconi, Solanio, Belvider, Isacco and Scirocco taking their positions. The rest of us stand ready at the side entrance, guns drawn with itchy fingers. The alarms start blaring all of a sudden, any element of surprise we've had gone out the window. "Shit," I curse under my breath, knowing we've been compromised. "Capo Achille" I bark into my mic, "new plan - engage now!"

Gunfire erupts from every angle as Capo Achille and his men open fire on Orsino and Esidore's men. Bullets fly past us like rain as we duck for cover behind rusty old cars lined up against the warehouse wall. "Stay low!" I yell above the din, signaling my men to follow me. Luca, Orlando and Vesuvio are right on my heels as we dart towards the main entrance while Aad takes out any threats that dare to pop their head out. It's pure chaos as automatic gunfire fills the air, punctuated by screams of pain and desperation.

We reach the double doors leading inside, I plant a C4 charge on the door frame before signaling my men back. "Cover your ears," I yell over the comms before detonating the explosive. Wooden splinters and twisted metal rain down around us as the doors fly off their hinges. The smoke clears just enough to reveal a sea of ​​bodies strewn across the concrete floor – riddled with bullet holes and bloodied beyond recognition.

Behind a large crate, I spot Orsino and Esidore huddled together in fear. Both of them are clutching pistols, their hands shaking uncontrollably. Their eyes widen with terror as they see us approaching, and I can't help but feel a glimmer of satisfaction at their justified fear.

"Capo Achille, you and your men will detain Orsino and Esidore," my voice carries over the microphone to my team. "The rest of you, take care of their other men. Leave no one alive except for Orsino and Esidore." My men respond in unison, confirming that they understand.

Together with Orlando, Luca, and Vesuvio, I make my way towards where Capo Achille already has his gun trained on Orsino and Esidore. I gesture for Orlando and Luca to take care of Esidore while I turn my attention to Orsino. "Tie this traitor's sorry ass to the chair," I bark, my anger and disgust evident in my words and expression. All hell is about to break loose.

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