Episode 49: Thalia's Secrets

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Thalia's POV

Dom believes I am keeping something from him, but in reality, I am just holding back on telling him. How can I explain that I cannot complete my college education because my parents are struggling to pay for my father's medical expenses? How do I tell him that our plans to get married may have to be put on hold? It is all overwhelming. As we arrive at my parents' house, I grab my handbag while Orlando opens the car door for me.

"I'll be right here when you're ready, Miss Thalia," Orlando says with a kind smile.

"Thank you, I won't take long," I reply as I make my way towards my parents' house. I use my key to unlock the door and step inside. Tossing my keys and purse onto the desk in the hallway, I call out for my parents. My mom responds from another room.

"We're in here, Thalia. We need to talk to you now," she says, her voice urgent. My stomach drops.

In the living room, my parents are seated on the couch, looking grim. I take a deep breath and sit down across from them. My father's coughing has intensified over the past week, and it seems like their once-glowing faces have sunken in the past few days.

"What's going on?" I ask, already dreading their response.

My mother's eyes are swimming with tears, and my father's fists are clenched as he tries to keep his emotions in check. "Thalia, we have something to tell you. Your father's medical bills have become too much for us to handle, and we... we've had to make a difficult decision."

"What decision?" I ask, my heart pounding.

"We've been in touch with a private lender, and we've agreed to mortgage the house. The money will cover your tuition and some of your father's medical bills, but I'm afraid... you won't be able to finish college this semester," my mother says in between sobs.

Through tears, my mom begged me not to make the decision I was about to share. But I stood firm and declared that I had made up my mind: I was dropping out of college for the time being. I didn't want her to worry about me; instead, I promised to pitch in with my dad's mounting medical expenses by finding a job.

The weight of my choice lingered in the room, suffocating us all with its presence. After a few moments of heavy silence, my father finally spoke up. "Thalia, we have always taught you to follow through on your commitments. You've worked tirelessly to get where you are now. We can't allow you to give up on your future. And don't forget about the baby, you have a responsibility to them as well. We will find a way to manage without you; we always have."

But I knew in my heart that this was the only viable option. "No, Dad. I can't let you mortgage our home for my education when there's something I can do about it. I'll figure out a way to finish my degree later, but for now, you and the baby are my priorities."

My mother wiped her cheeks with a tissue, and her eyes narrowed in determination. "We will not accept this decision. We raised you to be better than this, Thalia. We will find another solution; we always do."

My father chimed in, his voice firm, "Your mother's right. We'll find a way to make ends meet, even if it means selling my car or taking extra shifts at work."

I looked at their faces etched with worry and exhaustion. I had come to my decision and nothing they could say would change it. "You've both done more than enough for me already. This is my life, and I have to take responsibility for it."

My mother reluctantly nodded, understanding my resolve. "We love you so much, and we'll always support your choices," she said. I knew I would have to break the news to Dom later tonight.

After a teary hug, I bid farewell to my parents and walk back out to the car where Orlando is patiently waiting. My heart aches, but I know this is the right decision. I owe it to my family and my unborn child to put my dreams on hold. I get in the car, face streaked with mascara stains, and tell Orlando to drive me to Dom's place.

As we pull up to Dom's apartment, my stomach twists into knots. Orlando opens the door for me and I step out with a sense of determination. This is not going to be easy, but it needs to be done. I nod at Orlando in gratitude before facing the daunting task ahead.

Dear Reader,

In this emotional chapter of Thalia's life, she grapples with a difficult decision that will shape her future and her relationships. As she confronts the challenges of balancing her dreams with her family's needs, readers are drawn into a poignant narrative of sacrifice, love, and resilience.

Stay tuned to discover how Thalia navigates the complexities of her situation and the repercussions of her choices in the next installment.

Happy Reading,

Zapphire Zucca

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