Episode 60: Don Dominic's Hell Reigns Part 2

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My wife and I make our back inside the suite, where I can't resist pressing her against the wall and kissing her neck. She smells incredible and makes me want to worship every inch of her body.

I lean in close, whispering in her ear, "I bet you're soaking for me, ain't ya?" I growl into her ear, my firm grip around her waist pulling her back into me.

I love this, the control I have over her. But more than that, I love how she surrenders to my touch, to my will. She's fucking perfect. Like a prized jewel in my treasure chest of dark desires. Without warning, I push her closer to, the wall her back slamming against it. Her eyes widen with surprise at my sudden move but within seconds they darken with longing, matching the lust burning in mine.

"You have no idea what you do to me," I breathe out through clenched teeth, leaning in close enough to feel her pulse throb under my fingertips. She doesn't respond but her silence only amplifies our connection - a silent pact between two souls entwined by desire and power.

Fuckin' hell, it's like a wildfire raging inside me whenever she's near. This woman... My woman... She could bring the devil himself to his knees. The thought lights up my insides with exhilaration.

Dipping my head towards her neck, I let my lips graze the tender skin there. Her shudders are intoxicating - each one feeding my insatiable craving for dominance.

I take a step back and hold her by the chin, making her look into my eyes. In their depths linger promises of a darkness only she and I share. "Tonight," I whisper hoarsely, "tonight we'll play our game."

Her lips part in anticipation and I use that moment to capture them with mine - hard and commanding. Drinking in her sweet taste as if it is the last glass of fine whiskey on earth - intoxicating and addictive.

"Remember," I pull back enough to murmur against her lips, "you belong to me." A sly grin stretches across my face as I see the desire ignite in her eyes. "And I intend to prove it tonight once I end this shit with my enemy. Do you understand me Sugar pie?" I ask her wanting her to answer me right away. Tonight we'll play our game - a dangerous game of trust, seduction, and power exchange. And by the time the sun rises tomorrow, she'll never want another man but me...

With that, I walk out of the bedroom and head back to the conference room. I can feel her gaze on my back - a familiar heat that only fuels my anticipation for tonight's game. The mere thought of her drenched desire for me sends a jolt of primal carnality through my body, igniting every nerve with an insatiable craving.

The throbbing ache in my groin is almost unbearable, but I must deny myself the gratification of plunging into her slick, heated core. With clenched fists and gritted teeth, I struggle to resist the primal urge to ravage her until we both collapse in a sweaty, trembling heap. My dark desires, my world of mafia violence, and a woman who matches every fucked up part of me – this is the life I live, the game I choose to play every fucking day. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I stride out of the dimly lit room and make my way down the hallway, my heart racing with anxiety. As I enter the elevator, I take a deep breath and push the button for the first floor. My men are hard at work in the conference room when I arrive. Orlando catches my gaze and gestures for me to come to him, his expression grave. He has more news for me.

"What's going on?" I ask, taking a seat next to him at his computer.

"Boss, you won't believe who Esidore is in a relationship with," he tells me, hesitation evident in his voice.

"Who?" I demand, preparing myself for the worst.

"Your daughter... or step-daughter, not sure what to call her at this point," Orlando announces. "We found out that for the past two years, he's been involved with her. Remember that trip he took to Jamaica? He was with her."

My blood boils at this revelation. "Not only that, boss," Orlando continues, "but we've discovered through phone records that they've been talking regularly. And to top it off, he's the father of her unborn child."

"The fuck!" I explode. "How did we miss this? For two years, he's been seeing my daughter? Goddamn it, I'm going to kill that fucker! Do you know where they are?"

"Yes, Capo Achille and his men are on stand-by and tracking their movements. Orsino and Esidore have a meeting scheduled tonight at 11:30pm at the warehouse," Orlando replies.

"And Antonella? Did my cousins secure her and Micola?" I ask.

"Yes, boss. But I told them not to hurt Micola because she's pregnant. And I also instructed them not to beat Antonella until she's lifeless - I know you'll want to speak with her," Orlando says, looking at me with understanding.

I nod in agreement. As time passes and we prepare for the mission, it becomes late in the evening. I make my way to my suite with my wife, Thalia. I take a shower before getting dressed in fresh clothing. As Thalia lies in bed sleeping, her long curly hair spread out on the pillow, I can't help but marvel at her beauty.

"Sugar Pie, I'm about to leave for this mission. I love you, baby," I whisper as I lean down to kiss her cheek.

As she tosses and turns in her sleep, she murmurs my name: "Dominic." Her words are slurred but urgent. "Make them pay for what they've done. Don't let them hurt us or our baby Arianna Grace any longer. Take your power back. And know that I love you."

A single tear escapes my eye before I wipe it away. Tonight, we end this once and for all. I grab my Glock, tucking it into my waistband for easy access. With determination in my heart and vengeance on my mind - I head downstairs to the conference room where my men await me all suited.

As I enter the conference room, I see all my men gathered around. It's time to end this once and for all with Orsino and Esidore. "Everyone needs to wear their vests and earpieces tonight," I begin my speech. "We will leave together and come back home together. Luca, Orlando, and Vesuvio will be with me. Aad, you'll take the roof since you're a skilled sniper. Belvider, Isacco, and Scirocco will cover the back of the warehouse."

My voice booms through the huddle, commanding authority as I assign roles to my crew. "Terzo, Prado, Meconi, and Solanio - you'll have our backs as Luca, Orlando, Vesuvio, and I lead the charge. But stay close, because once we're in, you four are right behind us." The weight of our mission hangs heavy in the air, and I can see the determination in their eyes as they nod in understanding. This is it - our chance to prove ourselves and take down the enemy. And failure is not an option.

"Remember, no one shoots without my order." I bark out my orders to my men who are standing around the table. "Capo Achille and his men have already surrounded the warehouse, so when we go in, all vehicle lights must be off. Let's gear up and vest up," I continue sternly. My instructions are clear. There are also men stationed at the hotel who are in the shadows, including Lowie and some of the staff who are not just workers but also mafia members trained personally by me.

This way, no one will see what's coming. "Yes, Don Romano," they all chorus in unison before splitting off to prepare for our attack. Our plan is simple: we're going to catch Orsino and Esidore off-guard tonight at the warehouse during their meeting. "Remember, no one gets out alive," I growl into my mic so only my men can hear me. We all pile into three blacked-out Cadillac Escalades heading towards our destination. The tension inside is thick enough to suffocate anyone not used to this lifestyle.

Dear Readers,

We are now reaching the final chapter of our journey. The tension is at its peak as our characters prepare for a decisive confrontation. Stay with us as the story hurtles toward its thrilling conclusion. Thank you for your unwavering support and for joining us on this intense adventure.

Happy Reading!

Zapphire Zucca

The Don's Young Love (The Don's of Italy Saga Book 1) Age Gap RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now