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(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are at the park washing the truck. "Okay." Mordecai rubs his eyes. "Ready?" He asked Rigby. (Y/n) was watching the two with amusement. Rigby rubs his eyes. "Give me a second!" He then blinks. "Ready." He said. "Stare!" There's silence for a few seconds, then, Rigby starts making faces, arm-farting and dancing causing (Y/n) to giggle. "Ooh, I think you gonna blink." Rigby said. "Yeah, right." Mordecai said. "Ha!" Rigby said. There's longer silence. Rigby starts sweating, then, he pulls out a laser pointer. "Pschoooo!" He said. "Hey, no laser pointers! That's not regulation!" Mordecai said. "Street rules, man." Rigby said, at this (Y/n) starts laughing, and Rigby smirks,

proud he was able to make her laugh. Benson observes the action from the window then walks over to the trio. "What are you doing? I asked you to wash the truck 20 minutes ago! It's one thing for you two to slack off but your laziness is rubbing off on (Y/n)! I can't trust you guys to do anything!" Benson shouted. (Y/n) rubs her right arm nervously. "Sorry Benson..." she said. "Uh, we were just taking a break." Mordecai said. The trio go back to washing the truck. "Ugh." He walks off, but then,

decides to turn around to see if they are still working. The duo are back to their staring contest but (Y/n) is still washing the car. Benson holds in his rage and when he is about to say something... "Bosses! Are you sick of slackers?" An announcer on the tv asked. "Yeah." The TV is on a commercial. "Is this a familiar sight?" The TV shows two cafe workers asleep. "Well, turn this..." the slackers are now working hard, with many cameras surrounding them.

" this! Peeps! Get your workers to work harder!" "Thanks, Peeps." The manager said. "Now with 4 different levels!" The captions "Mooch Master", "Slack Pack" and "Bum Blitz" appear as the levels are said. "Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and for the ultimate in worker productivity..." The words appear as said. "Jeepers Peepers X-Infinity, with a Peeps lifetime guarantee! Act now and get the Peeps lens cleaning kit, free! Call now! Cleaning can be extremely flammable. Offer not valid or void. Peeps may be illegal in your country or province. Requires sign..."

Benson walks out to another M&R staring contest, some time later, with (Y/n) once again getting distracted and watching them. "Hey, you three." Benson said. The trio turn their heads to see Benson, with the new Peeps kit. "Oh, uh, hey Benson. We were just getting back to work." Mordecai said. "It's okay, Mordecai. I trust you." Benson said. "Wait, what?" (Y/n) asked in surprise. "Because now I have this." Benson assembles the Mooch Master. "Say hello to Peeps. It's a surveillance system. Now I'll be able to see what you're up to all the time, 24/7, 365. Isn't that great?" He throws two rags, one to Mordecai and one to (Y/n), and hands the bucket to Rigby. "But Benson, you have me for that job, remember?" (Y/n) asked. "And how recently have you been doing that job?" Benson fired back, and she didn't respond. "Well, I'll let you guys finish your work. And remember, I'm watching you."

He whistles as he walks away. "Dude, I don't think Benson trusts us at all." Rigby said. "Ya think?! He just put a camera in front of us." (Y/n) said. "What's the big deal, anyway? I mean, we were working. We're gonna get it done." Rigby said. "Were you?" (Y/n) asked, and the two glare at her as she shrugs. "Come on. We'll show him. We'll get this done in no time." Mordecai said. The trio go back to washing the car. Five minutes later, they are working at a much slower pace. The Mooch Master camera lens zooms in. "Dude, forget this. Let's just finish our staring contest." Rigby said.

"Aha! I knew you weren't gonna finish this!" (Y/n) said, pointing a finger at him. Rigby growls a little and crosses his arms. "Shut up, (Y/n)." He said. "We can't. Benson's watching us." Mordecai said. The trio are seen washing the car from the computer. Benson and Skips come into the room. "You gotta check this out, Skips. Those two slackers are finally working.

Yep, Peeps is working like a charm." Benson said. "Why is there a jet outside?" Skips asked. "Huh?" A crude drawing of the trio washing the car and a jet saying "You guys are doing great" is shown. "What?" Outside, Benson sees the paper covering the lens and rips it off. "RAUGGH!" The trio notice. "Oh boy..." (Y/n) said. "Oh! Benson, uh—" Mordecai said. "Get back to work! Now!" The trio quickly get back to washing the car. Benson goes over to call Peeps. "I'm gonna take those slackers to level 2." He said. "You have reached Peeps. Please hold." The Phone operator said. Later at the coffee shop, the trio are now wearing the Slack Pack.

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