Death Kwon Do-Livery

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(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby go to Death Kwon Do: Pizza and Subs. "Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch! Lunch!" The trio chanted. "Welcome back to Death Kwon Do: Pizza and Subs! Can I start you off with a couple of sodas?" The Sensai asked. "Sure, dude!" Mordecai said. "Jerry! Two sodas!" The Sensai shouted. "Yes, Sensai!" He kicks a cup into the air, catches it, puts it in a machine, and presses a button with two fingers to pour soda into the cup. "Who's that?" Rigby asked. "That's my Death Kwon Do apprentice, Jerry!" The Sensai said. "Oh, that's cool." (Y/n) said.

"Uh, and to eat... everything's kinda heavy..." Mordecai sighs. "I wish I could get something light that still tastes good." He said. The Sensai laughs. "I get it! You want the Death Kwon Do Sandwich of Health!" He said. He is in a state of concentration. "Through years of trial and error, I perfected it." He ki yaps and begins messaging a raw steak. He is then holding vegetables in his hands. He throws them up in the air. He karate chops the tomato, then headbutts the lettuce. The vegetables land in the bottom half of the sandwich bread, with the top half immediately following. Sensai has a taste test. He then squirts a bowl of meatballs with sauce. "Using the finest organic ingredients, and the secrets of Death Kwon Do,

I have created a sandwich that not only tastes's as healthy as a salad." He is now holding the sandwich. "You will be the first to try it." He said. "That's just a meatball sub." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, and if I'm being honest, it looks even greasier than usual." Rigby agreed. Jerry walks up behind Sensai with the sodas. "It is not! It's incredibly healthy! Every day, I have one for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've never felt better." The Sensai said. He takes a bite of the sandwich. "Ugh, my stomach!" He falls backward. Everyone looks down in worry and shock, and (Y/n) gasps.

"Sensai!" Jerry shouted. "Yep. Yep, you definitely need a stomach transplant." Dr. Matthews said. "What?!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Sensai and Jerry asked. "You had an extreme reaction...uh, wait, scratch that. You had a completely normal reaction to an extremely unhealthy sandwich. Then, your stomach flat-out exploded. See?" Dr. Matthews points to an x-ray of the stomach. "Can you put him on the transplant list?" Rigby asked. "Well, yes. Normally you'd be able to, but a man of your...physical gifts would burn through a normal stomach like it was nothing." Dr. Matthews said.

"Spell it out for me, Doc." The Sensai said. "You're too, uhh,...How do I put this delicately?" He suddenly gets an idea. He starts making motions of moving something fat. "Hey!" Jerry said. "Aw, come on!" Mordecai said. "That's just wrong!" Rigby said. "Not cool, man!" (Y/n) shouted. "Well, you're too weak to be moved, and we need a suitable transplant or you'll die." Dr Matthews said. "What about the Death Kwon Do Hospital?" The Sensai turns to Jerry. "Could you call them?" Jerry runs off. "Yes, Sensai!" The phone at Death Kwon Do Hospital rings, and someone answers.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. Mm-hmm? You do have a stomach of great power?" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are relieved. "And we can pick it up today?! Jerry asked. "Excellent." The Sensai said. "Yes!" (Y/n) said. "(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, would you mind going with Jerry to pick up the stomach?" The Sensai asked. "Sure, dude." Mordecai said. "Yeah. We're still on lunch anyway, so..." Rigby said. "But, Sensai, I don't need their help! I'm ready for this!" Jerry said. "No, Jerry!" Jerry angrily slams down the phone and bows his head. "Yes, Sensai." Sensai grunts in stomach pain. "We don't have much time. As always, you'll need these." He holds up jean shorts for (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, which they take. Later, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Jerry overlook the Death Kwon Do hospital from a cliff edge. They take a boat to the hospital boat dock and run up a path panting.

They run past lion statues which shoot out flames at them. They run through quickly. When they are clear of the statues, the path in front of them collapses, revealing a pit full of snakes with mullets. They flip over the pit, and they land in front of the Death Kwon Do hospital entrance. The door opens and they walk through. The interior of the Death Kwon Do hospital looks exactly like a regular one, and the four run through an elevator and wait until it reaches the 8th floor. Jerry opens the door to the transplant room, and they enter. The stomach is in a bell jar on top of an altar. "There it is." (Y/n) said. "You have come... for the stomach. But first you must prove you are worthy... for the stomach." The doctor said. He claps his hands.

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