High Score

722 28 0

The trio are raking leaves and Benson comes across in the golf cart and Mordecai groans. "What now? Look, we're working. See." He said. "Yeah, we're never gonna get done if you keep checking up on us." Rigby said. "It's Pay day, fellas." Benson said. The trio run toward Benson. "Yeah-yuh!" Mordecai said. "My favorite day of the every other week!" Rigby said. Benson hands Mordecai and Rigby each a bag of change and writes (Y/n) a check. "Here." Mordecai groans.

"What, you don't like getting paid?" Benson asked. "No, I'm just getting tired of the old sandwich-baggie full of coins. Why can't we get a check like (Y/n)?" Mordecai asked. "(Y/n) has a bank account." Benson said. "Well, at least give us the coins in an envelope or something more respectable, 'cause this is degrading." Benson drives away. "I need to get out of here." Mordecai said. The trio are walking to the coffee shop. "What's his deal? He doesn't respect us at all!" Mordecai said. "Maybe he'd respect you two more if you guys did actual work."

(Y/n) teased, smirking at them and they glare at her. "Whatever, that's his problem, right? We're respectable people." Rigby said. The trio get knocked over by two skateboarders. "Outta the way!" "Losers!" The kids said. "Ow!" (Y/n) yelps as she falls over. Mordecai and Rigby shake their fists, they were both pretty angry that they knocked (Y/n) over too. "What the heck, man? Watch it!" Mordecai snapped. Rigby then helps (Y/n) up. "You okay?" He asked worriedly. "Yeah, thanks." She winces in pain slightly. Later the trio are at the coffee shop. "See, it's not just Benson, people just don't respect us." Mordecai said.

"Come on. You're making that assumption just because of those two jerks? They knocked me over too, you know." (Y/n) crosses her arms. "True, well, we could buy people's respect." Ridgy said. "Nah, too expensive. People respect people who are good at things." Mordecai said. "Well..." (Y/n) began. "I think there's a bit more to it than that. Sure, people do respect talent, but there's a lot more to respect than that. People respect others for multiple different reasons."

(Y/n) said as she sat down beside Mordecai. They suddenly see a crowd cheering around an arcade game. The trio walk up to Margaret. "Margaret, what's going on?" (Y/n) asked. "The manager installed this new arcade game to keep the customers around. These kids are amazing at it, you should see 'em." She said. Sam was besides her watching as well. Mordecai looks and sees that the kids are the skateboarders from before. "Dude, it's those kids! Hey, hey you!" He shouted. "What?" The kid asked. "When you knock people over, you have to say you're sorry. You guys need to learn some respect." Mordecai said. "Respect our butts." The kid said.

"No, you respect our butts!" Rigby shouted. "What are you dudes doing?" Sam asked in disbelief. "Those kids practically killed us with their skateboards outside." Mordecai said. "I think "killed" is a bit of an exaggeration, Mordecai. They knocked us over." (Y/n) said. "So? They're kids. What are you going to do, beat them up or something?" Margaret asked. "No, but I am gonna kick their butts at this video game." He puts coin on the arcade game. "Bam! I got next." He said.

"Nice baggie, must've been sad when you break open your piggy bank." The kids laugh, and (Y/n) growls. She hated it when people made fun of her friends. "Seven-hundred thousand/700,0000!" The 1st kid said. The second kid puts his name on the high score list. "TRD, turd." He laughs. "Nice." The two kids high-five. "Yeah-yuh!" They said. "Beat that, gramps." He said. "Gramps? I'm in my 20s." Mordecai said. "Yeah, 1920s" the 1st kid laughs. "Just move." Mordecai sits in front of the arcade game, cracks his knuckles and starts playing.

Later the trio are sitting down at a table. "How do you get negative points?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, how is that even possible?" (Y/n) asked. "It was the first time I ever played that stupid game. Give me a break." Mordecai said. "I'm just saying, you made us look like chumps, man." Rigby said. "Look at 'em." (Y/n) said in disgust. The kids are being praised by the manager. "You guys really handed it to those losers." He said. Sam walks over with plate of donuts. "Free donuts for the champs!" He said. The kids eat the donuts and the crowd cheers. "Suck ups." (Y/n) mumbled. "All right, we're outta here." The kids exit, and the crowd speaks of amazement. "On the downside, there will be those who respect others JUST for skill and nothing more,

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