Death Bear

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"MOVIE NIGHT!" Mordecai shouted. Rigby dumps a box of DVD's on the floor. "Let's see what we've got." Rigby said. "Hey! Love by the Dozen." (Y/n) said as she picks it up. "Eegh! A romantic comedy? VETOED!" Rigby tosses Love by the Dozen somewhere else. "Oooh, what about this one?" Eileen holds up a DVD titled Cease & Deceased. "It looks creepy!" She said. "Cease & Deceased? Nah, no scary stuff, Rigby can't handle it." Mordecai said. "What?!" Rigby asked, glaring at him. "Remember the time we saw Dead for Breakfast? You wouldn't eat pancakes for a week!" Mordecai said. "Or the whole Ello Gov'nor incident? You went nuts, dude." (Y/n) said. "You were scared of that movie too!" Rigby points at her. "And whose fault was that?"

She asked, rolling her eyes. "You made me watch it by teasing me about it." She said. "Remember?" She asked him skeptically, raising an eyebrow at him, and he slumps in defeat. "Yeah you're right, I shouldn't have teased you about it." Rigby said. "Don't you guys have anything with adventure?" Margaret asked. "Uhhh, let's see." Mordecai said. "Forget movies! We should go on a REAL adventure!" Rigby said. "Huh?" Everyone else asked. "Yeah! To the old, abandoned park zoo!" Rigby said. "Come on, guys it's movie night! We should stay inside, and veg out on the couch." Mordecai said. "Hm, hm. Mordecai is just afraid we will run into Death Bear." Rigby said. "Death Bear?" (Y/n), Margaret and Eileen asked.

"You guys have never heard of Death Bear?" Rigby asked. "No." Margaret said. "Well, gather around!" Mordecai grunts heavily. "The tale of Death Bear, is a tale that's as old as fifteen to twenty years ago. He was a troubled bear that lived in the park zoo, who was evil to the core! One day, out of nowhere, he attacked and killed his trainer! The zoo was forced to close down. But Death Bear wouldn't leave, so he still roams the old abandoned zoo, getting more evil over the years, only to be able to survive by breaking into people's homes,

eating all of their food, and then eating THEM!" Rigby shouted. "Whoa!" (Y/n), Margaret and Eileen said. "Pfft. Lame. Death Bear is a dumb old urban legend. Come on storytime is over. Let's get this movie started. Right? Yeah." Mordecai picks up a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, and sniffs it. "Mmm, semi-burnt popcorn! Saved you a seat right here, (Y/n)." Mordecai pats the cushion of the couch. "Yeah, see, I told you! Scared of Death Bear!" Rigby said. "What?! Death Bear isn't even REAL! You know I'm not scared, right, (Y/n)?" Mordecai asked her. "Mordecai, it's alright. If you don't want to go, I mean, it does sound pretty scary." She replied. "What?! No! It's just that it is supposed to be movie night." Mordecai said.

"Excuses, excuses man! Look, if you are not scared of Death Bear, then I dare you to take a picture inside Death Bear's cage!" Rigby said. "Ooooooooh!" (Y/n), Margaret and Eileen said. "No dude, that's just dumb." Mordecai said. "Come on! It will be an exciting adventure!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, and all desolate, and spooky." Eileen said. "Eileen, we are trying to make him NOT scared." Margaret said. "I'M NOT SCARED!" Mordecai shouted. (Y/n), Margaret, Eileen, and Rigby all start to murmur then Mordecai lets out a deep sigh. "Okay, fine. We'll go to the abandoned zoo and take a picture in a dumb bear cage." He said. "Yeah, alright!" (Y/n) said.

"This is going to be fun!" Eileen said. Rigby runs upstairs. "I'll get the camera!" He shouted. "We'll watch a movie another night, I promise." (Y/n) said. "We better." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) pushes Mordecai in the shoulder. "Such a pouter!" She giggles. Rigby slides down the stair-rail with a camera. "Yes! Death Bear!" He shouted. An echo approaches when Rigby yells "Death Bear." The gang are now at the abandoned zoo. "There it is!" Rigby said. "Neat!" Eileen puts her head into the mouth of a lion statue. "Check it out! I'm a lion tamer! Ahhhhh!"

She shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby stare at her in confusion. "Eugh! The gate's locked!" Margaret shouted while struggling to get the gate open. Eileen climbs on top of the lion statue. "Aw man!" She said. Rigby runs to the gate. "No way!" He said. "Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. But we still have enough time for movie night, know what I'm saying? Let's go back to-" Mordecai said. "Hey! I found a way in!" Rigby said. (Y/n) runs to the hole in the gate that Rigby found.

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