Busted Cart

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The trio are up to their old antics, as usual. This time, they're ready to do some stunts with the cart. "Alright, dudes, are you ready?" (Y/n) asked. "I finished digging the pit, and the cones are all set up!" Rigby said. "Extreme cartin'?" Mordecai asked. "Extreme cartin'!" Rigby and (Y/n) said. "WHOAAAAA!" The trio shuffle into the car, and they start it up. Mordecai steps on the gas, then, grabs the gear, and the car goes down the hill. They fly through the air in the car, and Mordecai turns the car in midair to land on a metal rail. They skid for a while, holding the poles of the car.

"Hold it, hold it!" Mordecai shouted. "I'm holding, I'm holding!" (Y/n) shouted. Mordecai steps on the brake. "Now!" The trio let go of the poles. As the car jumps off the rail, Mordecai spins the wheel causing the car to do a three sixty. When the car lands, Mordecai skids through the scatter of cones, then switches gears, and the car flies into the air and lands in a big circular hole. Mordecai makes the car rotate along the outer rim of the hole for a couple rotations. The car then flies into the air, does another three sixty, and lands on the top of another hill. Mordecai hits the brake, then, the trio start panting, and, though still left breathless from all of what happened, they laugh.

"Hahaha, we did it, we did it!" Rigby said. "That was awesome!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah-yuh!" They high-five. Then, all of a sudden, the car starts rolling down the hill. At the bottom, Mr. Maellard is walking with Benson, examining the park. "Hmm. Hmph! Yup, the ground keep on the grounds looks excellent. This park is really coming together. Well done, Benson." Mr. Maellard said. Benson and Mr. Maellard see the car, still rolling on its own. The trio run behind to try to stop the car, which crashes into the tree as (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Benson and Maellard look on.

"(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby! What have I told you about messing with the cart? If you think—" Mr. Maellard puts his hand on Benson's shoulder. "My office. Now." In the office, Maellard is chewing Benson out. "Do you have any idea what those carts COST?!" He pounds on the table. "I'm not paying park money to fix YOUR mistakes!" He shouted. "But, sir—" Benson began. "But NOTHING!" The trio listen outside of the office. "I could find a new park manager right now if I wanted to." He said.

Benson pulls out a receipt. "Don't worry, sir. The warranty will take care of everything. Maellard yanks the receipt and look at it. "This expires tomorrow afternoon!" Mr. Maellard shouted. "But the dealership's too far away! I'll have to drive all day and night." Benson said. "Sounds like a personal problem. Get that cart fixed or you're FIRED!" Seconds later, Maellard slams the door on Benson. Outside, Benson walks out, still steamed, as the trio follow. "Benson, we're sorry. We'll make it up to you." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, we can help you get to the dealership!" Rigby said. Benson turns to the trio. "No, you three only screw things up! I am getting that cart fixed by myself, so stay here." Benson said. "But that drive is way too long for one person to handle!" Mordecai shouted.

"I'll take my chances." Later, the crashed car lays in the bed of the truck once it clears up, his monitor flashes to turn right, and he goes in that direction. Benson drives through the canyon through sun, rain and fog before he stops at a gas station. Benson then drives the truck across the bridge. He passes by a sign that reads, "Cart Dealership, 1000 miles") "Alright, Benson" he checks his watch. "You're making great time." He focuses back on the road. "As long as you don't stop, you can get to the dealership with time to spare." Benson looks in the rear-view mirror. "And then, as soon as you get back to the park, you can fire..."

Benson sees (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby as they peep their heads into view from the car.. "(Y/n), Mordecai and RIGBY?!?! ARGH!" He hits the brake. Seconds later, Benson is yelling at the trio outside of the truck. "I can't believe this! I thought I told you idiots not to come! Does the word "not" not process into your thick skulls?!" Benson shouted. "Of course not! Wait, uh..." Rigby said, and (Y/n) snickered. "Look, Benson, we just wanted to help you make it across the country!" She said. "Shut up! Just shut up and let me think for a second." Benson sighs and pauses for a few moments. "Okay. Ideally, you guys would be a million miles away from me now. But since I don't have time to turn around and take you back, you're gonna come with me... and you're gonna do exactly what I say." Some time later,

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