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𝕵𝕴𝕾𝕺𝕺 𝕶𝕴𝕸English Name: Jisoo Turtle-Rabbit KimAge: 24Code Name: SooQualities: Soft, sweet until you get on her nerves, the mother of the group, doesn't cry easily

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English Name: Jisoo Turtle-Rabbit Kim
Age: 24
Code Name: Soo
Qualities: Soft, sweet until you get on her nerves, the mother of the group, doesn't cry easily.
Positions: Main advisor, Seducer, The main deceiver, Oldest.

"Friendly but I'm not your friend though."

𝕵𝕰𝕹𝕹𝕴𝕰 𝕶𝕴𝕸English Name: Jennie Ruby JaneAge: 22Code Name: RubyQualities: Queen like visuals, ruthless, merciless, the most savage, the smartest, also the most dangerous and the most mysterious

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English Name: Jennie Ruby Jane
Age: 22
Code Name: Ruby
Qualities: Queen like visuals, ruthless, merciless, the most savage, the smartest, also the most dangerous and the most mysterious.
Position: Main sniper, the brain and the boss, expert hacker.

"I heard you're a player.
Nice to meet you,
I'm the coach."

𝕻𝕬𝕽𝕶 𝕮𝕳𝕬𝕰𝖄𝕺𝖀𝕹𝕲 English Name: Roseanne ParkAge: 21Code Name: Rosé Qualities: Cute, the vitamin of the group, can kill by charms

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English Name: Roseanne Park
Age: 21
Code Name: Rosé
Qualities: Cute, the vitamin of the group, can kill by charms.
Position: Main hacker, lead sniper and the backbone of the group.

"Face of an angel,
mind of a killer."


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