Always chasing rainbows

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^Andria^The end of another year in hell and the end of another extermination

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The end of another year in hell and the end of another extermination. This year was even more brutal than the last few. Charlie, my sister, and I have always hated the way those fucking angels exterminate our people ! Sure they made some bad choices in the lives they lived on earth but that doesn't mean that some of them don't want to change. I followed my sister as she looked glumly out on her future kingdom. I walked up to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder,

"Hey sis, you know it's not your fault right ?" Charlie took a deep breath in,

"I know but I just wish the angels could see that these people are living souls too just like the ones in heaven are !" Charlie said as I wiped her tears away,

"I know sis but hopefully this interview you have with Katie Killjoy will change sinner's minds about well... y'know...sinning."

I said to her with a hopeful smile, "But y'know char, half of the overloads in hell are gonna be looking to grab some new turf, you think Angel dust can resist staying out of trouble ?"

Charlie put on an unconvincing smile, "Well he's been clean for two whole weeks now that's progress right ?"

"I guess but I just hope that he can keep that up for at least 24 more hours for your sake." I said taking her inside.

"Thanks sis. Well I better get ready ! I only have two more hours till the interview." Charlie went inside to get ready and prepare while I went to my room to chill before we left.

" Charlie went inside to get ready and prepare while I went to my room to chill before we left

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^her room^

I flopped on my bed and hoped this plan to recruit sinners for the Happy Hotel would work, for Charlie's sake. I sighed and pulled out my hellphone and went through my photo gallery, all the way back to the pictures of me, mom, dad and Charlie together that was before mom left dad after that the family just sort of... broke Charlie barely talked to dad but I still kept in contact with him, what can I say ? I'm a daddy's girl and mom she hasn't even talked to us in several years. Charlie has always been hellbent on redeeming demons so I hope this interview goes well today. Please, please please let it work !

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