Till the end of hell do us part

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Today was the day

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Today was the day. The day they all had been waiting for for months. It was the day of Alastor and Andria's wedding. Alastor was dressed in a smart red suit. His dead heart almost about to beat it's way out of his chest. This was it. He would finally marry the love of his afterlife and he was both ecstatic and nervous. Usually, he kept his composure in front of others, aside from Andria, but, right now, Angel, Lucifer and Husk were witnessing him having a nervous breakdown. Alastor was hyperventilating as he rambled on to the other men, "What if she decides she doesn't want to get married ? What if she thinks that I'm not good enough for her ? What if she—,"

"Would ya calm down, smiles ? She's not going to change her mind." Angel tried to assure him, slightly frustrated by all his 'what if' questions.

"But what if she does ?!" Alastor then gasped, "What if she's only doing this because she feels forced ? I don't want her to think that ! I want to marry her because I love her, it's fine if she doesn't want to . I mean, I'd be hurt, but I wouldn't care because I love her and I'd respect her decision." Alastor continued to ramble, his smile seemed strained, as thou it were about to fall any minute.

"Alastor, everything will be fine." Lucifer tried to calm his soon to be son-in-law.

Alastor fiddled with his fingers, "Maybe I should go see her ?" Alastor tried to walk towards the door , but the three other men stopped him.

"Not happening, smiles. You know the rule about seeing the bride before the ceremony ." Angel reminded him.

"But I need to see her. I need to know if she's really okay with this."

Angel sighed frustratedly, "Look, since I'm one of her bridesmaids, I'll talk to her on your behalf. If I don't come back then she's fine with it, okay ?" Before Alastor could respond, Angel was practically already out the door. Husk quickly following soon after.

Lucifer looked back to Alastor, who was still visibly nervous, "Hey, it's okay to be worried." Lucifer reminded him.

"I know, but I just want to make sure she's okay with all this."

"Of course she is, but I understand your worries. I was once in your shoes, you know." Lucifer said sitting next to Alastor.

"How...how did you calm yourself down ?"

"Well, I reminded myself of how far she and I had made it together, everything we'd been through. Yeah, we ended up splitting, but that was due to our own flaws and we often had disagreements after Andria was born."

"What if Andria and I go down that road ?"

Lucifer laid a hand on Alastor's shoulder, "If there's one thing I know about Andria, it's that she never wants to do what her mother did to her and Charlie. She always said she wouldn't get married unless she was absolutely sure she wanted to be with that person and the fact that you're worried so much about what she wants today, shows how much you love her." Lucifer told him.

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