Ex talk.

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A/n: one of the parts for the chapter is inspired by HazbinHotspot on YouTube

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A/n: one of the parts for the chapter is inspired by HazbinHotspot on YouTube. Teehee 🤭. Also I got the theory for Vox and Alastor's relationship from a TikTok user.

^their bedroom by the way^

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^their bedroom by the way^

The hellish morning sun streamed onto Alastor's face, rudely waking him up. Alastor groggily opened his crimson eyes, scanning the room. He looked at the spot next to him, where Andria should have laid beside him, though she was not there. Alastor scanned the room again, this time noticing the door to the bathroom was closed. The faint sounds of water running indicating that his beloved was taking a shower . He looked as his alarm clock next to him, 7:00 a.m it read. It was a Friday, so it was rather unusual for to be up at this time of day. Alastor's ran through all the possibilities of why she could be up so early. There were no important meetings she had to attend. It wasn't her 223rd birthday . It wasn't their anniversary. Then Alastor remembered, it was his death day, the day in which he died. He wasn't really big on parties or celebrations in his honor and he knew Andria respected that, though there was no doubt that she had probably gotten him something or planned for them to spend the day together. After a few minutes, Andria walked out the bathroom, fully dressed with a red box that was topped with a black bow, similar to Alastor's suit. Andria walked over to the large be safe Alastor spoke, "Good morning, my darling. You're up rather early for a Friday." Alastor shifted over slightly to make space for her on the bed.

"Well, considering that today is a rather special occasion, I thought I should get up a bit earlier and give you your gift." Andria replied as she sat down next to him.

Alastor sighed, "Darling, how many times have I told you, I don't need a present for anything. Besides, waking up with you at my side is already a gift." He whispered in her ear softly.

"Still, I saw this one thing that I knew you would love it, so I just had to get it for you." Andria said, pushing the large box closer to him.

"Okay, well, let's not keep me waiting, you know it's been a long time since I —," Alastor cut himself off once he'd opened the box and saw what was inside.

Inside the box was a cat like version of Alastor. It even had the blood lustful expression Alastor sometimes got.

 It even had the blood lustful  expression Alastor sometimes got

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