Vox vs Al

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I woke up next to Al in the morning, I was shocked at first but then I remembered our talk last night which made me smile, to be honest I was surprised that he'd actually stayed. Guess the all mighty radio demon has soft spot for me. I didn't realize I was staring until he spoke up, "Darling it's rude to stare." He said with one eye peeking open.

"Who wouldn't stare if they had the radio demon in their bed ."

"Good point. But I suppose we should get up now ."

"Yeah we wouldn't the other's getting suspicious."

We got out of bed and I took a shower and changed and we went downstairs together when we arrived in the parlor we saw Charlie pacing and panicking about the new extermination date but when she saw Alastor and I her pacing stopped and she squealed with excitement and jumped in excitement. Alastor and I glanced at each other in confusion.

"Er. What ?" I asked Charlie.

"Congrats you guys !" Charlie suddenly burst out hugging me tightly.

"Congrats...on what ?" I asked struggling to breathe.

"On your new relationship !" Charlie said putting me down.

"How'd you find about-? Angel ?!" I said looking over at Angel who already had a bottle in his hand.

"Look, angel tits, I went to your room to wake you up and when I got there I saw you and creepy voice over there snuggled up like you'd just had sex or something so of course I showed the others. Besides they were bound to find out sooner or later."

"Drown yourself." I deadpanned

"Love ya too, angel tits."

I rolled my eyes, "Anyway... so I'm assuming you all saw us this morning ?"

"Yup. Even Husk saw you guys, he refused to believe it until he saw it and even Nifty knows too." Charlie confirmed


"Well, if everyone knows then my darling and I can have breakfast together. Shall we, my dear ?" He said taking my arm and led me to the balcony where there was a table for two set up.

"Haven't even been together for a week and you're already taking me on a date. Quite charming." I said sitting in the chair he pulled out for me.

"Only the best for you, my darling." He said as he was about to sit down, "Oh deer I forgot the sugar. I'll be back darling." He said teleporting to get some sugar I assume. Not even ten seconds later he was back.

"I really need to learn how to do that." I commented adding some sugar to my tea.

"You haven't mastered all your powers yet ?" He questioned as I nodded shyly. "Oh darling teleporting is easy. You just think of where you want to go and teleport there. Try it. Teleport from here to the front of the door." Alastor encouraged.

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