Let me go Valentino

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3rd person pov:

When Valentino said that Angel would be filming all night, he was true to his word. He'd shown Angel no mercy and the effects could be seen by both Charlie and Andria. Angel walked over to the bar as Andria looked at him angrily still upset with how he had treated Charlie, meanwhile Charlie's only held regret for her actions. Angel flopped down onto the bar counter, "I need a drink. The hardest you can make." Husk set a glass ,with his strongest drink in it,  in front of Angel.

"You look like shit." Husk commented.

"Not possible. Just a long shoot, nothing new." Angel drank the alcoholic drink as though it were water on a hot day, "Eugh, I said a strong one."

"Excuse me. Didn't realize this was a 'drinking to forget' kind of night."

"Oh I forgot. You're the wise old bartender who's seen it all. Get the fuck over yourself and pour me a real drink." Angel said as he tipped the new drink Husk had made him over.

"Look, if you got a problem, you're not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle. I should know, I've been looking there a long time."

"Oh sure, then where should I look ? Hmmm ? In your bedroom, maybe ? Under the covers ? Maybe we can go and look together."

"Don't even start."

"Oh, c'mon, I bet I can make those wings flap !"

"Stop !" Husk said shoving Angel away harshly.
(Bro what is it with ppl and shoving Angel 🥲😭) "Fucking Christ ! You can cut the act already. It's never going to work on me. So all you're doing is making an ass outa yourself with this fake bullshit."



"FUCKING ASSHOLE !" Angel bumped him head on the roof of the bar making him fall backwards.

"Ya done ?"

"Ya know what ? You would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me ! Ya know how much I'm worth ? Ya know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust cum onto them ? Fuck you ! Have fun being a lonely piece of shit !"

Angel stormed passed Vaggie pushing her out the way, "The hell ? Angel, where are you going ?"

"Out !" Angel shouted back not even bothering to to look at her.

"Husk, what did you do ?"

"Made him a drink." Husk shrugged.

"Oh, no. He looked really upset." Charlie said with concern.

"It's just Angel. He'll be fine." Husk said nonchalantly.

"I'm not so sure. I really messed up at the studio today and he got...ugh it was...it wasn't good, okay ?"

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