Welcome to heaven

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Alastor sat on Andria's bed as watched his girlfriend pack everything they might need to be in heaven for a day though she wasn't being over excessive, unlike her sister

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Alastor sat on Andria's bed as watched his girlfriend pack everything they might need to be in heaven for a day though she wasn't being over excessive, unlike her sister. Though Alastor didn't want to admit it, his nerves were eating away at him. He knew since he always talked about his mother that Andria try to get him to see her, not that he didn't want that, it had been years since Alastor saw his mother, when he was alive at least, he was worried that his mother wouldn't want to see him since he went to hell, "Hello ? Hell to Alastor ? Are you listening ?" Andria asked snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, no. Sorry, my love, I'm just a bit...distracted." Alastor said not meeting his girlfriend's eyes.

"Al, what's wrong ?"

"What makes you think something's wrong ?"

"Because you get quiet when you're nervous."

"How do you-?"

"Al, we've been dating for five months, I think I know most of your habits by now."

Alastor blushed as he shied away only for Andria to turn his head to face her, "Now, tell me what's going on." She said in a gentle tone.

"I'm...worried that if I see my mother in he-up there. She might...she might not want to see me considering what I've become."

"She didn't know you were a serial killer ?"

Alastor shook his head in shame, he knew that killing was wrong when he was alive but it wasn't like he was killing anyone who didn't deserve it, "I tried to keep it secret the best I could but after I died I don't know if my secret got out."

"You know I don't think you've ever told me why you became a serial killer in the first place." Andria said sitting next to him.

"It's a topic that I...don't really like to talk about but for you, my doe, I will. My blood lust started after I killed my father. He was a vile man, he treated my mother and I... poorly. He would often hit her if she talked back to him even if she wasn't really talking back. They often fought with when I was a boy, I would hide under my bed to feel safer but I could always hear their arguments. I put up with it until I turned 17. He and my mother had another fight which resulted with my mother having a broken nose. I'd begged my mother many times to file for a divorce, she could've stayed with me but that bastard made her feel so scared to leave. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. That night when he went out hunting, I hunted him. And when he was dead, my mother was the happiest she could've been. So, I thought if killing one scumbag made made my mother this happy, why not kill the others too ? And I was good at killing scumbag men, I never got caught."

"But then how did you die ?"

"Another hunter was out late at night and mistook me for a stag, I got shot in the head." Alastor said as he moved his red hair out the way revealing the 'x' where he'd been shot. "And he let his dogs out on me and..."

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