A night of passion

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A/n: a smexy pic of Alastor for all u horny kids 😩 also I promised u sickos a lemon and here it is, have fun u sick, degenerate adults/teens 😌

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A/n: a smexy pic of Alastor for all u horny kids 😩 also I promised u sickos a lemon and here it is, have fun u sick, degenerate adults/teens 😌

T/w : lemon 🍋🌚🌝

Alastor carried Andria back to their room, never once breaking the hot and passionate kiss. Alastor was hoisting Andria up by the thighs, her legs be tangled up around his skinny waist. Alastor opened the door and shut it with his foot, carrying her over to their neatly made bed, well it wouldn't be neat for much longer, the way things were looking. Andria looked up at her new fiancé, the man she loved, the overlord she'd spend the rest of her life with. She thought of their future together, the family they'd create together, whilst she prepared herself for what they were about to do. She'd dated a few demons and/or sins before but she'd never really had sex with any of them so, naturally, she was a bit scared.

"Darling, we don't have to do this if you don't want to." Alastor said cupping her face.

"No, I want to, I'm just nervous, you know ?"

"I know, don't worry. I won't hurt you. I promise." Alastor reassured her. He too was a bit nervous, he'd also never had sex with a woman before but he had definitely learned about it from books, and Angel's unnecessary explanations. But he wanted his first time to be with her and no one else. He crawled on top of her, his scarlet eyes never leaving hers. "I've never done this before either. So, I'll go slowly." Alastor said as he unzipped her dress, before sliding it off, she had black, lacy underwear on, making her look even more appealing. (Stop it's giving Verbalase 😭)
He looked down at her and kissed her again. As their tongues battled each other for dominance, she unbuttoned and took off his overcoat, tossing it on the floor, she then got to work, untying his bow tie. Leaving it hanging loosely around his neck as she unbuttoned his dress shirt, exposing his bare, scared chest. Alastor started kissing her earlobe as he made his way to her neck, being sure to leave a kiss in all the right places, making moans and groans of pleasure escape from her perfect lips. The sound of her moans was like a perfectly tuned melody, playing in the background as he ravished his beautiful partner. He felt his pride get the better of him, knowing only he could make those noises come of her mouth. It boosted his confidence by a mile. He kisses trailed from her neck down to her collarbone, sucking on her sweet spot, making a loud moan escape her lips, exciting both of them even more. Andria attempted to cover her mouth so no one in the hotel would hear them, but Alastor caught her wrist before she brought it to her mouth, "Don't hide those noises of yours, darling, they're like music to my ears." He purred into her ear, making her blush as red as the hellish sky. She grabbed his dress shirt which was still loosely unbuttoned and stripped it off of him  before chucking it on the floor somewhere with his overcoat, leaving him in his trousers. Andria kissed down his chest all the way to his v-line, before licking an imaginary line back up to his neck, making a groan escape his lips. Alastor's hands reached to the back of her bra, unclasping it before tossing it away. Alastor, started messaging her left breast while he attached his lips to the other and started sucking it. Andria let out a string of heavy moans and grunts as Alastor continued to pleasure her, for someone who didn't know how to have sex, he was pretty skillful with both his hand and mouth (Moxxie rn : I'm not good with my hands😔😫). Once Alastor was satisfied with his work, he turned his attention down to her lower half, which was still covered by her laced panties. He hook his finger around the elastic before looking up at Andria again, "May I, darling."

Andria nodded in confirmation, "Go ahead, I'm all yours, Alastor. I'm yours for the rest of eternity." She said. With that, Alastor slid the piece of clothing off her legs, tossing them on the ground with the rest of their clothing. Without any hesitation, he lowered himself to her womanhood, running his skillful tongue along the lining of her wet folds. The action made her let out a loud moan, making Alastor smirk. He then pulled away and inserted a finger into her without warning, earning a gasp from her, but he silenced her with another passionate kiss.

"It's alright darling, I won't go too fast." He growled in her ear making her shiver in delight whilst he started curling inside of her. He did that for a while before adding a second finger, moving both at a faster pace. By this time Andria couldn't take the immense amount of pleasure that had been building up inside of her.

"A-Al, I..think I'm going to..." before could finish her sentence she had, released herself onto Alastor's fingers, coming down from her high. Alastor removed his fingers from her and licked all her juices off them, his eyes never once leaving hers. Alastor was about to crawl on top of her again, but was surprised when she made the first move, unbuckling his belt and throwing it away, whilst unbuttoning his pants and pulling them off, leaving him in his boxers.

"Well, aren't you a bold doe." He praised her.

"Oh, shut up, it's my turn." Andria growled before she pulled down his boxers, freeing his large member from its clothed prison. She took his length in her mouth sucking and licking it with the same fiery passion that he loved about her. Her tongue glided across his hard member, making Alastor groan in pleasure, his radio frequency growing stronger the closer he came to releasing himself in her mouth. When the frequency became almost unbearable to hear, he finally orgasmed into her mouth though she didn't seemed phased, simply swallowing the fluid as though it were a drink.

She lay down on the bed again as Alastor crawled on top of her, positioning himself in front of her entrance, he looked at her for confirmation but instead of nodding, she kissed him. He took it as a yes and slid himself into her, making the two moan simultaneously. Alastor started thrusting in and out of her at a steady pace, "Faster, Alastor." Andria begged. Alastor obeyed and started going faster and harder, till the both orgasmed at the same time, their juices become one, just as their bodies and souls now were. Alastor removed himself from his love, flopping down beside her. They were both sweaty and out of breath, their hair was messy and they were panting like dogs. Alastor turned his head, smiling at Andria.

"That was amazing, my little doe." He said through his pants.

"You weren't to bad yourself, babe." She joked as he pulled her into his side, she rested her head on his bare chest listening to the soothing sound of his steady heart beat. Their souls were forever intertwined with one another and, little did they know, in the background their shadows were intertwined as well, smiling happily at their counter parts. Nothing would ever come between them. Not after a night like this.

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