The first man

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A/n : guys I just would like to point out that Andria's voice actor is Vanessa Hudgens.

"Hello ?" Charlie said as we walked into the angelic building. It was empty, no surprise there, but it also gave off a creepy vibe.
"Helloooo ?" Charlie called out again.

" Well this isn't creepy at all." I pointed out making Charlie roll her eyes.

"Yea no shit Sherlock !" She said back as we approached the front desk. Charlie rang the bell and two pieces of paper and quills came down that we had to sign.

"Oh extra creepy." I commented as a pair of doors opened. Charlie looked at me but I just shrugged and entered.

"Er, hello ! Anyone here ?" Charlie called out before the lights came on revealing two angels.

"Sup ." The male angel said taking Charlie and I by surprise. Charlie fell over and I help her back up.

"Hi ! I'm Charlie, this is my little sister Andria, our dad asked us if we could meet you ?" Charlie explained .

"Yeah I know." The angel replied coolly

"Ok well it's nice to meet you !" Charlie greeted politely.

"Totally. Nice to meet you too." The angel stuck out his hand for Charlie to shake but as Charlie went to grab it her hand went right through his, surprising Charlie, "Ha ! I fucking got you ! Did you fucking see that ? Good shit."

"Er so wait. You aren't here ?" Charlie asked

"No you think I'd come down there ? No I love the vibe. Totally, I love your tunes  ! Pretty fucking hard core don't get me wrong. But it's such a bummer man everything down there is just so...bluh ! Y'know ? Ew."

"Riiiight ." I said rolling my eyes.

"So I'm glad we got this opportunity to meet. There's a project I've been working on that I really wanna talk to you about !"

"Hey, hey, hey ! Slow down we got time. How about we get to know each other a little ? Hmmm ? Also not to break from topic but your sister over there. Mm. Yea she's pretty hot so , you hot one, could I maybe get your number ? Or something ?" The angel said pointing at me. 

"Noo." I said grossed out by his offer.

"Oh well your loss bitch." He shrugged, "Anyway how 'bout some lunch you guys hungry ? I got you !" He said holding up a plate of ribs, "Here's my personal favorite, you'll love it !"

"Er, thanks." Charlie replied attempting to grab one but her hand went right through like earlier.

"Ahahahahaha ! I got you again bitch ! Haha ! Fucking hilarious !"

Alastor pov

I sat in the parlor with the others while Vagatha started to give us 'speech' on shooting a new picture-box advertisement, "Okay so Charlie and Andria are dealing with something very important so while they're gone we are making a new commercial. One that represents Charlie and her vision. So we need a camera. Alastor."She said holding her hand out expectantly. I snapped my fingers making a rather beautiful picture camera, if I do say so myself, appear in her hands.
"A video camera." She corrected herself. I hummed and snapped my fingers again making and picture show camera appear in her hands instead.
"Alright let's do this !" She had Husker and Angel act in the first part of the advertisement, now this is going to be very entertaining, "And action !"

"Welcome to the Hazbin hotel. Can I help you with anything ?" Husker read the script that was right in front of his face.

"I've been a bad boy and I need a big, strong daddy to put me in my place... on the path to redemption." Angel replied flirtatiously

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