His one and only

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Two weeks had passed since Alastor and Andria's little talk and so far Alastor's sexual itch had only gotten stronger. (I'm sorry if that sounds weird 😭) Not a moment went by where Andria wasn't constantly occupying his thoughts, it was almost like a disease. A horrible disease that almost no medicine could cure. He didn't want to make her feel pressured to do anything, so he wasn't going to ask her just yet. That was his second reason. His first reason, however, was the biggest and most important. He knew he loved her and that she loved him in return, but he wanted to spend the rest of hell with her. So, tonight, he was going to propose to her. Tonight was the night he would ask her to be his for eternity and it was eating away at him. It's a silly thing to imagine; the all mighty and feared Radio Demon, probably the most confident being you could imagine, scared to ask a silly little question. Even Alastor himself thought it was preposterous, why he'd belittled the king of hell , this should've been a walk in the cemetery for him. (Get it 😏) Though it was proving to be more difficult than he'd thought. He hadn't told anyone in the hotel about his plans yet, one of them would surely ruin the surprise, which is why he's sitting at one of the cafes in Cannibal Town with Rosie, who was trying to calm his nerves. "Honestly, Alastor, I don't see why you're so nervous. You one of the most powerful overlords in hell for cryin' out loud !"

"I know, but I need this to be perfect. She's the princess of hell, Rosie. She's dated Asmodeus, he sin !" Alastor pointed out.

"And she chose you out of all others, doesn't that say a lot ?"

"It does and that's why I want this to be perfect because she's perfect."

"Trust me, Al, she'll love it and she'll say yes."

"How do you know for sure ?"

"Because she loves you." Rosie reassured him.

"Thank you, Rosie." Alastor said smiling at his best friend.

"Meh, don't mention it. So, what do you have planned anyway ?"

"You'll find out." Alastor smirked.

"Um...how ?"

"Cause you're coming to help me set up. Andria's out with Prince Stolas trying to sort out some business, something to do with global warming or something. She said she won't be back until later. So, we have the whole afternoon to prepare."

"We'll ain't that convenient."

✨time skip✨

Andria arrived at home at around 3:00 pm. She made her way up to her and Alastor's bedroom, expecting her lover to be the waiting for her, but little did she know, she had the surprise of her life waiting for her. She opened the door walking into the large bedroom. "Babe, I'm back." She called out. No answer. 'That's strange' she thought. Suddenly something on the bed caught her attention. Laying on the bed was a beautiful red dress and a note.

Alastor's on the roof. Meet him there.

P.s : the dress is from me.


Andria smiled at the note, though at the same time, she was bewildered as to why there was a dress on her bed and why Alastor was on the roof. Nevertheless she put on the dress and made her way up to the roof.

 Nevertheless she put on the dress and made her way up to the roof

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^the dress.^

She opened the door to the roof where she saw Alastor standing in front of a fancy dinner table that was set for two.  "Hello, darling." Alastor greeted, his smile seemingly more genuine than ever.  Andria found herself blushing at the mere thought that Alastor had planned this for her

  Andria found herself blushing at the mere thought that Alastor had planned this for her

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"Alastor, what is all this ?"

"I wanted to surprise you, my darling. After all, you deserve nothing less than the very best." Alastor said as he pulled her chair out, allowing her to sit. As she sat down he whispered into her ear, "And might I say, you look ravishing in that dress darling." He purred sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

"What's all this for anyway ?" Andria asked, sensing there was more to this than just wanting to spoil her.

"Well, we've never had a proper date before so I thought, why not now ?" Andria didn't question his reasons, figuring she would find out why he's doing this later on, so she just played along with it. They laughed and kissed throughout the entire evening, enjoying each other's company and love. They had jambalaya for dinner, obviously. Night had soon fell, setting the perfect mood for Alastor's proposal.

"Darling, there's another reason why I asked you to meet me up here." Alastor started, fiddling with his fingers a bit. 'Knew it.' Andria thought, "But before I do anything I just to ask," Alastor said taking her hand, "Andria Morningstar, are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me, no matter what ?"

"Of course, Alastor. I love you." Andria replied, giving him all the confidence he needed.

"Good because I've been wanting to do this for a while." Alastor sai as he stood up and got down on one knee next to Andria's chair. This was definitely not what Andria was expecting to happen. Alastor took Andria's hand in his. "Andria Morningstar, ever since I saw you standing outside your sister's hotel, you've occupied every thought in my mind. When we first kissed, I knew you were the one I've always wanted. The soul that mine has been waiting for. Any other woman cannot compare to the way you make me feel and so, I ask you tonight, will you, Andria Morningstar, marry me ?" Alastor asked pulling out a beautiful black and red ring, "Will you be with me till the end of hell ?"

Andria tried to choke back her tears of joy so she could reply to his gesture of love, "Yes, I will marry you, Alastor Hartfelt. I will be yours." She said as Alastor gingerly slide the ring onto her left hand before picking her up and kissing her passionately. Tonight would be a very passionate night.

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