Late night gossip

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A/n: might be a short chapter cause I'm not using an episode as a guide

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A/n: might be a short chapter cause I'm not using an episode as a guide.

I walked to Angel's bedroom to gossip with him about Alastor's crush on me, it was 11pm so I assumed everyone, except angel, would be asleep by now, including Alastor. I checked to make sure no one was following me and entered Angel's room. Once I was in I saw Angel on a pole, luckily he had...some form of clothing on so he wasn't completely naked.
"Don't you know not to barge in on a stripper late at night ?" Angel asked climbing off the pole and slipped on some robes.

"Sorry. But I have to tell you the gossip." I replied

"Okay if it's gossip I'll let it slide. But did you bring your cat Izzy ? You know how much Fat Nuggs love to play with her."

"Since when do I not bring her." I revealed the cat and set her on the floor to play with Fat Nuggs.

"So what's this gossip you want to tell me about ?"

Alastor pov

I was walking around the hotel again since I couldn't sleep again soon I passed down Angel's room I was about to enter to stare at him while he sleeps to scare him but as I neared I heard voices coming from inside. The door was slightly ajar so I peered in and saw Andria and Angel sitting on Angel's bed having a conversation and despite my jealous temptation to go in there and strangle him for being so close to her I resisted and listened to their conversation instead.

"So what's this gossip you want to tell me about ?"  Angel asked her

"Well, I have a suspicion that Alastor likes me."Andria replied

"Ooh this is juicy. What gave you that idea ?"

"Well remember earlier when you pulled me onto your lap to watch the commercial ?"
Who could forget such insolence  ? I thought to myself.

"Uh huh ?"

"Well the whole time he was glaring at you."

"That crazy bitch glares at me all the time what makes this any different ?"

"This time it wasn't an intimidating glare, it was a protective glare ." I didn't think she would be so attentive though I have to admit I do find that a bit attractive.

"So do you like creepy voice back or what ?" This question sparked my interest I wonder if she did like me back.

"I mean I think ? I don't know !"

"What do ya mean ya don't know."

"Angel I've never had a crush on someone before and I've only ever been in one relationship. I don't how I feel about him."

"The fuck do ya mean you don't know how ya feel about him ?!"

"Well I like him but...I don't know if I can trust him." Wait she doesn't trust me ?

"Well maybe you should give it a shot ? I mean not every demoness gets a chance to date the most powerful overlord in hell angel tits."

"Angel I have more power than him."

"I know but think about it, do you really like him ?" She  nodded shyly.

"Then I say go for it." She sighed

"Okay I'll tell him ! Tomorrow though I need to get to bed. Night angel ." She said picking up her cat.

"Night angel tits."

Before she left the room I teleported to her bedroom. There would be a little surprise waiting for her when she got there.

Andria pov

I shut the door to my bedroom and strangely enough the lights were turned off so there was no form of light in my room. I didn't remember switching off the lights when I left the room but nonetheless I turned the lights on to my surprise Alastor was in one of the armchairs "Ahh ! The fuck Alastor what are you doing in my room at 12 am  !?"

"Oh, my dear, I think we both know that you don't mind me being here." Alastor replied coolly. What the fuck was he talking about ?

"What are you talking about ?"

"Oh we both know what I'm talking about."

"Alastor did you eavesdrop on my conversation with Angel ?"


"What the actual fuck Alastor !?"

"Let me save your breath your accusations about me are correct." Ha ! I knew it !

"But I just want you to know my dear that I am merely here to protect this hotel and help you run it. I have no intention of harm anyone here." I stayed silent for a minute

"Look Alastor I really do like you but you're going to have to prove to me that I can trust you." Alastor stepped closer to me so that he was towering above me but not in an intimidating way. He lifted my chin to force me to look at him.

"Then perhaps this will change your mind."
What is he -? I couldn't even finish my thoughts before Alastor's lips connected with mine and honestly it was pure bliss. I didn't fight back nor did pull away in fact I embraced it. My hands tangled in his black and red hair as he led me back until we fell on my bed. We kept kissing but we didn't get physical, I didn't really think that would be his style but I ended up falling asleep in his arms with a smile.

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